Spying shock: Shades of Big Brother as cyber-security vision comes to light, Daily Telegraph
Federal police raid home of Australian journalist who revealed government's proposal to spy on the public
Australian journalist's home raided over spying report
Aussie Feds Raid News Corp Journalist's Home After Government Spying Exposé
The raid follows a story published by News Corp Australia publication, the Daily Telegraph, and written by national political editor, Annika Smethurst, in April 2018. The article, titled “Spying shock: Shades of Big Brother as cyber-security vision comes to light”, detailed a discussion between two government agencies that were reportedly discussing the potential for new surveillance powers for Australia’s electronic spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD).
The Daily Telegraph article included photographs of top secret internal documents that detailed a proposal to allow the ASD to target Australians — if approved by the Defence and Home Affairs ministers.
An anonymous source told the publication the proposal would allow spies to access the digital records of Australians, such as financial transactions, health data and phone records, without a warrant.
The proposal also detailed a plan to grant authorities the ability to forcibly coerce government agencies and private businesses to comply with an order to provide information on Australian citizens, the Telegraph reported.
It would also allow for the ASD’s hackers to “proactively disrupt and covertly remove” cyber threats within Australia by “hacking into critical infrastructure”, it said. The organisation is currently focused on international threats.
Under Australian law, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) can spy on Australians but they must have obtained a warrant issued by the Attorney-General. The warrant allows ASIO to enter and search premises, intercept and inspect mail, use surveillance devices, monitor communications and remotely access computers. It is expected to use other methods before using these powers.
… Moar at links …
Note that AUS Intel agencies did not need to out-source spying on AUS citizens in Australia. So what might have been the exchange made to get them to spy on USA citizens abroad?
One possible angle, Anons:
Former Daily Telegraph journalist 'spied for Communist Russia'
Independent, 25 FEB 2018
Infiltration → Embarrassment → ongoing infestation → blackmail