Anonymous ID: 4c27ad June 4, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6669279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9290 >>9292 >>9307 >>9310 >>9319 >>9369 >>9427 >>9528 >>9544

I'm really just needing to debrief.


My Sister is currently dying - weighing 29kg and transferred to palliative care with a non specific diagnosis.


We live in Australia.


I'm sitting on one side of her bed. Her husband - my brother in law on the other, as my sister is in a deep sleep.


He has the hospital TV (insane box) on and a stupid current affair comes on showing President Trump in the UK. Of course all the stupid - stupid - rhetoric and jokes about him start while they show the inflatable baby appear on screen.


My brother in law states: "I HATE TRUMP so much".


I reply: "I love him so much. I would lay down my life for that man - in a heartbeat - to protect him"


My brother in law: "I HATE him. If anyone ever shQ't him, I'd harbour them.


I say: "If anyone ever shQt him, there would be a civil war the likes of which has never been seen before.


He says: "It's going to happen anyway and he brought it on"


I say: "Do not speak about that man like that in front of me, you have no idea what he has done for this world".


He went on to start talking about POTUS tweets and something else so changed the subject, as I did not want this conversation was taking place over my sisters dying body.


Between him and the vitriol happening out of the television screen, I felt so sick to the stomach. His words were so disgusting to me - I didn't know whether to be shocked or angry. I was just physically sickened.


Why did that cause me more distress than being with my dying sister - whom I've loved dearly and am so very close to?


I am calm facing my sisters death. Sad, but calm.


My Question to Q if you read this.


Can you please tell us - will this ever end?


Will there come a day where President Trump can be seen on "TV' without being loathed due to lies? Will there come a day where the POTUS and the Q Team will be revealed to the world as the hero's they are - or where the 'bad' guys will be exposed and the 'good guys' recognised?


I understand that none of you do this for glory or for accolades, and that you do this for humanity.


But, will humanity ever be able to recognise the real heros who saved it?


Tonight really brought this home for me.


That there are so many uninformed people around the world who still believe the tripe that oozes out of their TV screens is beyond any conception.


That people remain to be gullible enough to believe the MSM lies and fill their hearts with so much hatred that it causes more distress than death itself.


Please, can you give me a word of hope that this will all be over one day?


It sometimes feels so helpless. I know what's happening behind the scenes and I do trust the plan.


However, when it comes to my family dying believing these lies and having no hope of believing in a better future. . .


I don't want to die still believing that the world will not be awoken to the truth of the goodness that is being enacted for them.


I love you all and I pray for your safety and success every day.


I just need to know that one day - in our foreseeable future, 'most' of the world will be awoken to what has and is happening.


Please let me know that history will record the truth for our next generation.


God bless you all and God bless all Anons who read this. Continue to do the incredible work that you do in the hope that as one flame is extinguished, many more are ignited to replace it.

Anonymous ID: 4c27ad June 4, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.6669491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9498



Is it just me, or is anyone else finding it extremely curious why the Trump FAMILY are in England meeting the Queen?


I'm feeling something very curious happening indeed….curiouser and curiouser said Holmes to Watson….