Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 7 a.m. No.6669066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden releases $5T climate change plan that goes 'well beyond' Obama agenda


Joe Biden released a $5 trillion “clean energy revolution” plan Tuesday to combat climate change, which he said is the greatest challenge facing the U.S. and world. Biden responded aggressively to critics and rival Democratic candidates who predicted he’d be too moderate on climate change, given his pro-union background, with a proposal that he says goes “well beyond” the agenda he undertook in the Obama administration. He vowed to re-enter the Paris Climate Accord that the Obama administration negotiated, and President Trump rejected, on the first day of his presidency, and to commit the U.S. to an even more ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction goal.


Climate change has emerged as a top issue for Democratic primary voters in the 2020 campaign, with the progressive Green New Deal pushing candidates to try to one-up each other with proposals to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. Biden nods to the Green New Deal with his plan, calling it a “crucial framework” that demonstrates the “environment and our economy are completely and totally connected.” “We must take drastic action now to address the climate disaster facing the nation and our world,” Biden said. “Science tells us that how we act or fail to act in the next 12 years will determine the very livability of our planet."


Biden would spend $1.7 trillion in federal money over 10 years on clean energy, leveraging additional private sector and state and local investments to total to more than $5 trillion in funding. His underlying goal is to have the U.S. obtain 100% of its energy from clean sources, and achieve net-zero emissions, no later than 2050 — a target timeline consistent with goals targeted by the United Nations as necessary to avoid the worst harms of climate change. Biden wants Congress to pass legislation within his first year to enforce a 100% clean energy mandate. He would not ban fossil fuels or nuclear power, allowing for zero-emission sources such as advanced nuclear reactors and carbon capture on coal and natural gas plants to contribute to his 100% clean energy goal, along with wind and solar. But Biden joined most of his fellow Democratic field in pledging to not accept campaign contributions from oil, gas, and coal corporations or executives (although he left room for fossil fuel workers to donate to him). Biden said he would pay for his plan by “reversing the excesses” of Trump’s tax cuts for corporations, closing loopholes in the tax code, and ending subsidies for fossil fuels.


In a difference from his competitors, Biden specifically targets China, viewing it as a major competitor in the clean energy economy. He proposes imposing carbon adjustment fees or quotas on carbon-intensive goods from countries that are failing to meet their climate and environmental obligations under the Paris deal, aiming to stop China from "subsidizing coal exports and outsourcing carbon pollution." Biden, despite his critics, had a track record in the Obama administration of enacting policies that have helped reduce emissions and lower the cost of clean energy. In one of his first tasks, Biden helped implement Obama’s economic stimulus package, known as the Recovery Act of 2009, dedicating $90 billion to clean energy programs. He later helped lead negotiations of the Paris agreement. He also authored one of the first climate change bills in 1987 that required the government to plan for global warming.

Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6669118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9291 >>9480 >>9504

Trump responds to London Mayor Sadiq Khan: Do your job


President Trump offered some advice for London Mayor Sadiq Khan: focus on your job. Trump, who is in London, argued that Khan’s recent criticism of him harms the United Kingdom as he labeled the mayor a “negative force.”


“I don't think he should be criticizing a representative of the United States that can do so much good for the United Kingdom,” Trump said during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday. “We talked about it before. He should be positive, not negative. He is a negative force, not a positive force.” “And if you look at what he said, he hurts the people of this great country,” Trump said. “And I think he should actually focus on his job. It would be a lot better if he did that. He could straighten out some of the problems that he has and probably some of the problems that he has caused.”


Trump and Khan are sparring after Khan penned a Sunday op-ed for The Guardian that argued Trump “is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat.” He listed several other “far right” leaders, including Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, and said they are “using the same divisive tropes of the fascists of the 20th century to garner support, but are using new sinister methods to deliver their message.”


In response, Trump compared Khan to “our very dumb and incompetent” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and called Khan a “stone cold loser.”

Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.6669158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176 >>9186 >>9193

Australia suffers second worst mass shooting since 1996


Four are dead and one is injured in Australia’s second deadliest mass shooting since the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania. A 45-year-old gunman began opening fire with a pump-action shot gun at a motel in the northern city of Darwin before opening fire at other nearby locations in the city’s central business district around 6 p.m. Monday. Pump-action shotguns are largely prohibited in the country under sweeping legislation passed in the aftermath of the Port Arthur shooting, where 35 people were killed.


“He shot up all the rooms, and he went to every room looking for somebody, and he shot them all up,” John Rose, a witness, told Australia’s public broadcaster. “Then we saw him rush out, jump into his Toyota pickup and rush off.” Police said the man was out of prison on parole and was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet. After about an hour police took the suspect into custody.


Northern Territory Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said that they were still working on establishing a motive for the shooting. “We’re still trying to establish the intent and motivation behind this, but all I can say, sadly, is that people have lost their lives this evening,” Kershaw said. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that the shooting was not terrorism-related. “I have been in contact with Chief Minister Gunner and understand this is not an act of terrorism and a person has been taken into custody. My thoughts are with Territorians and the tight-knit community in Darwin,” he tweeted.


In addition to prohibiting pump-action shotguns, the strict gun control measures passed after the Port Arthur shooting also banned automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles, except in rare circumstances. It also created a national gun registry and a temporary buyback program.

Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6669282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304

Boris Johnson snubs Trump, turning down meeting with US president


Conservative leadership favorite and Brexit advocate Boris Johnson turned down a meeting with President Trump during his state visit to Britain. Days of speculation surrounded a possible face-to-face encounter as party heavyweights jostle to take over for Prime Minister Theresa May, who stands down as leader on Friday.


It appears Johnson calculated that a face-to-face meeting with Trump, who is broadly unpopular in Britain even in the Johnson's Conservative party, could harm his chances of becoming British prime minister. A source close to Johnson told the Mirror, "Trump called Boris and offered a one-to-one meeting. Boris thanked him but declined the invitation as he has to focus on the hustings event that was happening at the same time, which the president understood. He said he looked forward to catching up at a later date."


Instead, Johnson, who was born in New York and harbored boyhood ambitions of becoming president of the United States, had what sources described as a friendly and productive 20-minute conversation with Trump. Johnson has ridden some of the same populist sentiments as Trump, emerging as a key Brexit campaigner and winning the praise of the president.


Trump again spoke enthusiastically about the former foreign secretary when asked about the various candidates during a news conference with May on Tuesday afternoon, the second day of his state visit. “I know Boris, I like him, I’ve liked him for a long time. I think he would do a very good job,” he said.

Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.6669316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9326 >>9480

Mexican president expects immigration tariff deal with US soon


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Tuesday he believes a deal is close that would end the Trump administration's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico in response to illegal immigration. “There are signs that it matters to the U.S. officials that there’s a deal,” he told reporters. “I think the meeting tomorrow will be important and that there will be a deal before June 10, before this tariff comes into effect."


President Trump said Thursday he would place a 5% tariff on all Mexican goods, increasing 5% every month until the “illegal immigration problem is remedied.” Business groups and GOP lawmakers have called on the president to back away from the threats, saying the tariffs would likely harm the U.S. economy without resolving the border issue. Mexico has warned of possible trade retaliation of its own. Mexican officials, lead by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, are in Washington, D.C., in hopes of negotiating a compromise. Ebrard did not give any details about what the proposed compromise may look like, but said he was optimistic. "We’re going to find common ground, I think," he told reporters.


Ebrard rejected a proposal floated by U.S. officials that would involve Mexico being designated a "safe third country" for the immigrants, meaning that refugees passing through Mexico to the U.S. would first have to claim asylum in Mexico. The U.S. has a similar agreement with Canada. Many of the immigrants to the U.S. in the current border crisis originate from Central America.


Trump's threatened tariffs came the same day that the Mexican Senate began the process to ratify the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a top trade policy goal of the White House that would replace the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement. While Thursday's announcement has not derailed consideration of the USMCA deal, Jesús Seade, Mexico’s deputy foreign minister for North America, warned Monday that new tariffs could be a “stumbling block” regarding its passage.

Anonymous ID: cda7b7 June 4, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.6669527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9539 >>9548


Patience anon, he is a guest..he'll say what he needs to when he needs to. He more than likely knows but why interrupt the enemy in the process of a crime. I believe he doesn't think Corbyn has a snowballs chance either.