longest Qew drought evuh?
no shit…
When do we get to invade Iran for Israel?
I’m 50, will they get desparate enough to re-up my commision?
at least Iranian women are attractive…
Hey Pamphlet, UIDS down below 50, it’s time…
Too bad its illegal for them to fuck/marry you Goy…
lol, you’re fucking delusional
Israel has Palestinian ONLY buses (no fulthy arabd allowed on our buses)
you americorns are pikers when it comes tohard corp institutional racism(realism)!!
You say that lime its a bad thing? Homogeneity is power
That’s why they’ll win, they’re smarter than any other group and they’re outnumbered but they are of one purpose. THAT is why they are your Kings and control literally every aspect of your life.
Israeli women are forbidden BY ISRAELI law from fucking/marrying goy, Goy.
and i support that 100%
nasa lies…I’ve looked at saturn and Mars with my 8 “ regractor, they both look like what I’d expect… not sure what yer trying to say here..