Anonymous ID: b1a511 June 4, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6669608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don't know about other anons but in this one's life, the direct threat is from friends and family under the influence of the blue pill.


Yeah, media addicts react violently to any attempt to break their trance by pointing out lies and hypocrisy and naturally attack YOU!


Someday, we will need to reach out to media addicts!


All Media addicts! Come back to the light, not the false light of flat screen phosphors doing their dazzling dance of the death cult.


If all the media-believing minions' so-called thinking has deceived itself that the globalist agenda is progress, that top-down tyranny is now “progressive” why would the rest of us give any attention and credence to this irrationality?


The now obvious trend toward materialism is the ultimate reductionism where human will is degraded to a mere factor in the controllers’ algorithms and which serves no one but the control freaks who cannot be happy if anyone is more free than their captured minds!


Media addicts:

If you only believe in social justice and individual justice is now an empty construct because there is nothing (good) about being an individual, then you have declared yourself a willful oppressor, no matter how much you spin in your grave fake concern!


Besides having the illusion of numbers to support your irrationality, upon what basis do you claim the right to advocate for the enslavement of your fellow human beings, as if you know what is best for them?


Have you listened to yourself spew your media mandated agitprop at people?

Does it sound like love or does it sound like the same hatred of humanity which has ruled this planet for millennia?


We can all see clearly enough for ourselves the moment we kick the media habit and return to using our own mind and direct, unmediated perception to construct the conceptual model of the world.


Why is it any of my business how much media you consume?

Because, as you hypocritically ignore, we are all one, all connected, so when you sit there and rent the power of your mind out to manipulators crushing human consciousness down to good robotic slave mentality, you betray not only your brother but everyone alive and worse, you betray the hopes and dreams of every sweet child waiting to be born!