Anonymous ID: 2f3555 June 4, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6670863   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1985 Sam (made in the USA) Walton richest man with 2.8 billion (6.16 billion in 2015 "money").


1986 Khashoggi "The Richest Man In The World"


1987 - 2018


1987 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (President USA old dead fag Bush - bush was prez after he had reagan mkultra'ed)


1988 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (President USA old dead fag Bush)


1989 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (President USA old dead fag Bush)


1990 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (President USA old dead fag Bush fought war for Japan tested shit on US troops)


1991 Taikichiro Mori (President USA old dead fag Bush)


1992 Taikichiro Mori (President USA C_A fag klintons sell out Chinese)


1993 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (President USA C_A fag klintons)


1994 Yoshiaki Tsutsumi (Still klintons)


1995 Bill Gates (Still klintons richest guy is guy stealing everyone's "anonomous" data and selling it everywhere)


1996 Bill Gates (Still klintons look how BG smiles like the cat that aet the fuking canary)


1997 Bill Gates (Still klintons)


1998 Bill Gates (Still klintons)


1999 Bill Gates (Still klintons)


2000 Bill Gates (Still klintons)


2001 Bill Gates (then the evil idiot bush)


2002 Bill Gates (eib)


2003 Bill Gates (eib)


2004 Bill Gates (eib)


2005 Bill Gates (eib)


2006 Bill Gates (eib)


2007 Bill Gates (eib - gates still smiling but at some point admits they rape your data)


2008 Warren Buffett (eib and gates and buffet start throwing buckets o money at each other cause no one else can play)


2009 Bill Gates (USA after years of MK-Ultra mindcontrol elects a lesser demon putting NWO in play for realz)


2010 Carlos Slim Helu (and family) - lesser demon rules and this guy pops outta the bushes butts CS is not MEXICAN


2011 Carlos Slim Helu (and family) - lesser demon rules above ground after years of succesful MK-Ultra mindcontrol programming


2012 Carlos Slim Helu (and family) - lesser demon


2013 Carlos Slim Helu (and family) - lesser demon


2014 Bill Gates - lesser demon rule above ground and gates climbs back out on the back of the world's mountain of data


2015 Bill Gates - lesser demon


2016 Bill Gates - almost satan but a savior and champion Donald Trump emerges to combat the evil degrenerates


2017 Bill Gates - the Trump era emerges


2018 Jeff Bezos (the clown) - President Trump continues to shake off the clowns and prevail providing win after win.