If any of your friends still like Donald Trump, here is some ammunition to help them make a decision.
All of the following EVENTS factually took place…
Donald Trump tried to cover-up the murder of four American diplomats under his watch as Secretary of State
Donald Trump had to step down as Secretary of State due to his poor performance
Donald Trump's administration was caught requesting backgrounds of hundreds of individuals from the FBI
Donald Trump was caught using a private email server that was possibly breached by China.
Donald Trump's IT director was caught on message boards asking how to completely remove information from hard drives.
Donald Trump's staff destroyed FBI subpoenaed cell phones with hammers
Donald Trump's staff deleted FBI subpoenaed emails
Donald Trump mailed a subpoenaed laptop in the US Postal service that was suddenly "lost"
Donald Trump's Foundation "suddenly" received $125,000,000 from foreign donors after he signed off on a deal which gave them a treasure of uranium
Donald Trump's wife gave a speech in Russia and received $500,000 for it.
Donald Trump's foundation was caught not fulfilling their fiduciary duty to
Donald Trump was caught strong-arming the RNC to force out all other nominees so he would win the nomination.
Donald Trump's chairwoman stepped down because of the above.
Donald Trump's NEXT campaign chair, who also worked for CNN, was caught giving debate questions to Donald Trump; she also stepped down.
Donald Trump's foundation was found to be an illegal slush fund for illegal donations as was revealed by two career forensic financial investigators testifying under oath.
Donald Trump's wife was caught putting cigars in the holes of interns in the White House
Donald Trump personally helped pay for opposition research that used the help of proxy law firms who in-turn hired Russian firms to compose a fake "dossier" to embarrass his political opponents.
To this day, it is not known what Donald Trump has accomplished in his 40 year-long career as a politician other than becoming filthy rich.