Anonymous ID: 9a412b June 4, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.6670425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0456 >>0570 >>0942

>>6670231 (pb)

>RIP Mike Ruppert. He exposed Clinton and PROMIS before anyone. '02-'03 if i remember right. He taught me alot early on. Committed suicide living w the reality of such a disillusioned world. Imagine knowing this stuff before Q. It was a lonely place for us.


I remember those days well. MR used to write for High Times back in the 80's and he really opened my eyes to truth behind the "War on (some) Drugs." While his website "from the wilderness" was one of the few places to get accurate information on CIA drug running, the Clinton's and Mena, and 911, he like others such as Wayne Madsen always had a distasteful socialist tinge to their writings. This of course is why I thought he moved to Venezuela before his death. It really wasn't until 2007/2008 when Ron Paul hit the scene that more conservative/libertarian type truth tellers began to emerge. Glenn Beck, of course, was remade by a PR group in the image of Ron Paul from 2009-2011 only to throw Ron Paul under the bus in the 2012 election and endorsed Romney. It was a sophisticated PsyOp to split the Truth/tea party movement. Seems to be what happened to Alex Jones as well I suppose.


In any event, I just found a FTW blog, but not sure who runs it. Prolly a low budget clown controlled opposition.

Anonymous ID: 9a412b June 4, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6670898   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Communist Venezuelan Hospital:



"Utopia" my ass! Millenials need to wake the fuk up


I was in shock yesterday when I saw some non socialist democrat booed off stage yesterday. It's not often I feel sorry for a democrat