Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6670466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0570 >>0824

Paul Manafort to be Transferred to Notorious and Dangerous Rikers Island Jail – May Face Solitary Confinement


Former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort, 70, will be transferred to Rikers Island jail complex as early as next week where he will likely live in solitary confinement.


According to the New York Times, Manafort will likely be arraigned on new state fraud charges.


Rikers Island, which is located between the Bronx and Queens in New York City, is known to be a very violent and dangerous facility with a chronic problem with gangs.


The notorious Rikers Island is full of hardened, violent inmates and the management is so poor that even inmates in protective custody aren’t safe.


Mueller and his thug Weissmann hunted down Manafort and charged him with crimes that have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion during the 2016 election.


In September, Manafort pleaded guilty to federal charges but in March, the crooked Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance announced an indictment charging Paul Manafort with 16 state felonies such as tax evasion and mortgage fraud.


Manafort was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for his federal charges and is pending separate charges from the state of New York.


Although President Trump can pardon Manafort, he does not have the authority to pardon him from state crimes — which is why the Communists in the SDNY hit Manafort with separate charges.


Meanwhile the crooks who plotted a coup in an attempt to remove President Trump from office are freely walking around.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6670494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526

Euromaidan activist with neo-Nazi links joins Facebook as public policy manager


A Ukrainian activist who rejoiced at the sight of 48 anti-Maidan protesters burning to death in Odessa in 2014 has been hired by Facebook ostensibly to combat Russian ‘disinformation’.


Kateryna Kruk will be working out of Warsaw in her new role as Facebook’s public policy manager for Ukraine. While Kruk’s immediate duties are not clear, the announcement was met with enthusiasm by her followers, hoping she would unleash a crackdown on ‘Kremlin trolls’. Kruk has an unequivocal anti-Russian reputation, having written for several international publications and on Twitter.


Kruk shot to prominence at the height of the mass protests that preceded the 2014 armed coup in Kiev, becoming a ‘spokesman for Euromaidan’ as she live-tweeted in English from the first days of the two-month protest. As the movement was hijacked by right-wing nationalists led by the Right Sector and the far-right, borderline neo-Nazi Svoboda party, the situation quickly spiraled into violence. Around that time, Kruk worked as a staffer for Svoboda, praising the party for being “Ukrainian-focused,” while expressing some reservations about its hardline ultra-nationalist ideology.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6670503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558 >>0598 >>0647 >>1030 >>1071

Israel to suspend auction of EU-bought prefab classrooms for Palestinian children


Israeli authorities will reportedly postpone the controversial auction of prefabricated classrooms donated by the EU to Palestinian, amid an escalating diplomatic row over the jurisdiction of international versus Israeli law.


The Israel Defense Ministry postponed the auction of EU-donated classrooms and materials earmarked for Palestinian children for one month amid massive outcry in both online and diplomatic circles. A spokesperson for the Coordinator of Government Activities, which runs the Civil Administration, said the postponement was for “technical reasons” and not due to pressure from the EU.


Israel's Civil Administration dismantled and seized two prefabricated buildings originally intended for use as classrooms for some 49 children in a small community in the northern West Bank last fall, citing lack of appropriate building and planning permission. The authorities claim they offered to return the classrooms to the EU on the guarantee that they would not be rebuilt in the West Bank without the requisite permissions, but the offer was rejected.


However, EU representatives deny such a proposal was ever made in the first place, and the two sides are continuing negotiations against a backdrop of deteriorating relations. An additional two tents and three metal sheds were also confiscated from a nearby community for the same reason.


The Israeli Civil Administration conducts regular auctions of property seized from Palestinian communities, and sometimes unauthorized Jewish outposts.


The EU knows that such structures violate Israeli law but claims that international law supersedes it, while claiming “the direct financial injury to donors caused by these seizures amounts to €15,320 ($17,200).”


EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah have called for the items to be returned or equivalent compensation be paid as soon as possible.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6670510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558 >>0646 >>0878 >>1030 >>1071

Sugar Daddy Website CEO Offers to Pay For Alabama Women to Get Abortions


The founder and CEO of the website SeekingArrangement, a website for “Sugar Daddies” and people seeking them, has offered to pay for the travel and procedure costs for women who want to leave the state for abortions.


Brandon Wade announced his desire to pay for an abortions in a YouTube video on the SeekingArrangement account on Tuesday.


Wade said that he and his girlfriend are starting a nonprofit called Fight Against Poverty. “When any state makes the decision to deny women the right to make choices about her body, we can help,” he said.


“We will provide women and families who cannot afford to provide for themselves, travel out of their home state to access proper health care and to exercise their right to a choice,” Wade continued.


Last month, the governor of Alabama signed legislation that will ban most abortions.


“If lawmakers will not step in and help these desperate women, then I will,” Wade said.


SeekingArrangement’s website says that they are “where Sugar Babies enjoy a life of luxury by being pampered with fine dinners, exotic trips and allowances. In turn, Sugar Daddies or Mommas find beautiful members to accompany them at all times,” though he claims that escorts and prostitution are not allowed on his websites.


Another website he founded, has been described as “indistinguishable from prostitution.”


“ is like eBay for dating,” Wade said in a press release about the site. “When you see a hot single you want to date, just make an offer and buy the first date.”

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6670527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558 >>1030 >>1071

State Media: Without Tiananmen Square Massacre, Communist China Would Have ‘Collapsed’


The Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper published a story Tuesday celebrating the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in which the Communist Party killed at least hundreds of peaceful protesters. Without it, the newspaper cited an expert as saying that communism would have “collapsed” in China.


The piece celebrates young Chinese nationalists for their steadfast loyalty to Marxism and Han ethnic supremacy, arguing that they are “thankful” to the Communist Party for growing up in a country with “stability” – that is to say, a complete lack of legal political dissent.


The Communist regime typically ignores the Tiananmen Square anniversary, but this year has instead decided to go on the defensive. China’s foreign minister claimed the killings were necessary in a public event on Sunday; publications like the Global Times and People’s Daily have published multiple articles defending the state-sponsored mass murder.


The Global Times quotes a Chinese academic identified as Zhang Weiwei as saying that, without the “tough decisions” that led to the indiscriminate killing of as many as 10,000 unarmed protesters, mostly young students, “China would have followed the way of the Soviet Union and collapsed.” Zhang claims that communism was necessary for “stability” and that China “wouldn’t have the development and achievements we gained” following the massacre without a heavy-handed approach to peaceful demonstrators.


The 1989 protests were inspired by the impending fall of the Soviet Union, just as many other movements worldwide rose up against communism. While similar protests in Eastern Europe liberated those countries, China remains one of the most repressive countries in the world today.


The Global Times celebrated on Tuesday that China is not ripe for a “Color Revolution” – a term for the rise of anti-Russian democratic leaders in Georgia and Ukraine – because the Communist Party’s indoctrination of young people is much more efficient today than in 1989.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6670543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558 >>0702 >>1030 >>1071

Controversial new US abortion laws akin to ‘torture’ – UN Commissioner


Recently passed abortion legislation in several US states equates to violence against women, according to UN human rights commissioner Kate Gilmore, who also called out what she termed the “extremist hate” behind the measures.


“It’s clear it’s torture – it’s a deprivation of a right to health,” Gilmore claimed in hard-hitting comments to the Guardian newspaper on the topic of the recent changes.


The new restrictive changes on abortion law were made in at least nine states last month, including Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio, inciting an intense public debate over the issue. Large-scale protests took place throughout the US in opposition to the bans, drawing out thousands of participants in some cities.


In Georgia, the practice was banned after a fetal heartbeat could be heard around six weeks into pregnancy, while Alabama’s ban can only be overruled if the woman’s life is directly threatened by giving birth.


Gilmore argued that any absolute prohibition of abortion violates UN human rights expectations and constitutes “gender hate” and “violence against women, no question.”


Gilmore participated in an event on reproductive rights at the end of May, where she railed against the predominantly conservative Christian organizations that funded and backed the initiatives, accusing them of leading an “assault on truth, science and universal values.”

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6670563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0583 >>0605 >>0691 >>1030 >>1071

Congress Proposes Legislation to Screen Adults and Children to Predict if You Pose a Threat


(TAC) It has been nearly two years since I reported on the dangers of creating a law enforcement run Mental Health Assessment (MHA) program. In Texas, police use MHA’s to “screen” every person they have arrested for mental illness.


But the TAPS Act, first introduced in January, would take law enforcement screenings to a whole new level. It would create a national threat assessment of children and adults.


In the course of six months, the Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 838) has seen support grow to nearly 80 Congress members.


Politicians are master manipulators. What better way to garner public support for a national threat assessment program than to introduce it during National Police Week.


The politicians laid it on thick, as a KHTS article revealed.


“We do this first to honor the sacrifice of these men and women in blue, who put their life on the line every single day to protect us in the vital role that law enforcement plays in the safety and well-being of our communities and our districts,” said Rep. Brian Babin (R-Calif.) in his opening statement. “And secondly to highlight a bipartisan solution — that we all are working on — to protect our communities and schools from the terrible acts of violence that we have seen, and are getting to be almost routine.”


Taken at face value, the TAPS Act sounds like a noble attempt to stop school shootings but not all is as it seems.


Crystal Ball-Reading Police to Predict if You Pose a Future Threat


The TAPS Act would encourage law enforcement to give everyone a personal threat assessment (kids and adults) and single out those that they deem as future threats. (Click here to see how our homes receive threat assessments.)


“By bringing threat assessment experts together, and utilizing evidence-based behavioral threat assessment and management processes, we can bolster public safety by implementing strategies to identify and stop dangerous individuals before they can commit an act of violence. We have the expertise to combat the targeted violence plaguing our schools, places of worship, and public spaces, but we have yet to fully implement it to prevent attacks.”

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6670575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0589 >>0826

Harvard Study Shows YouTube Promotes Pedophilia to People Who Watch Erotic Videos


For years now, the Free Thought Project has been reporting on the sadistic and outright horrifying pedophilia content that fills the murky depths of YouTube. The company who cracks down on peaceful channels and censors alternative media has long allowed this disturbing content on their platform. Despite advertisers fleeing the platform for the disturbing content, YouTube is once again in the spotlight for promoting pedophilia—this time in an extremely disturbing manner.


Researchers at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University found a disturbing trend when examining the algorithm of YouTube users who view erotic content. The study showed that after regular users watch erotic videos, they are recommended videos of women dressing as young girls before the algorithm eventually shows them videos of “girls as young as 5 or 6” wearing bathing suits or getting dressed.


As CNBC points out:


According to the piece, YouTube’s recommendation system changed to no longer link some of the revealing videos together, but the company told the New York Times it was “probably a result of routine tweaks to its algorithms, rather than a deliberate policy change.” YouTube also said that turning off its recommendation system on videos of children would “hurt ‘creators’ who rely on those clicks” but did say it would limit recommendations on videos it deems putting children at risk, the report said.


The Berkman Klein Center didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on whether the researchers will be publishing anything on the discovery. Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


This report, while horrifying enough, comes just months after YouTube was discovered to be a haven for pedophiles.


AT&T and Hasbro are among some of the major corporations who announced earlier this year that they will no longer purchase advertising on YouTube because it allows this pedophile content to flourish.


“Until Google can protect our brand from offensive content of any kind, we are removing all advertising from YouTube,” an AT&T spokesperson told CNBC.


“Hasbro is pausing all advertising on YouTube, and has reached out to Google/YouTube to understand what actions they are taking to address this issue and prevent such content from appearing on their platform in the future,” read a statement from Hasbro.


While YouTube censors videos of US war crimes, guns, and other videos that peacefully question the establishment narrative, they have long allowed this vile content to exist.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6670587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0600 >>0894 >>1030 >>1071

‘I would not stand in the way of Assange's extradition’ – UK Foreign Secretary Hunt


British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who is also vying to become prime minister, said he would not hamper Julian Assange's extradition to the US. Charges against the WikiLeaks founder carry up to 175 years in prison.


Washington wants Assange prosecuted under the Espionage Act for his role in publishing the classified documents released by whistleblower Chelsea Manning and revealing the high civilian death toll from US airstrikes among other things.


“Well, we would have to follow our own legal processes, just as the US has to follow its own legal processes,” Hunt told Face the Nation on Sunday. “But would I want to stand in the way of Julian Assange facing justice? No, I would not.”


Since Assange is “someone who is alleged to have committed some very serious crimes,” Hunt added, “it is absolutely right that he faces justice.” The foreign secretary also said that the journalist's “crimes” are “alleged to have led to people's deaths,” yet it was unclear what he meant exactly. During the Manning process, the investigators did not establish if the leak actually resulted in any deaths or put lives at risk.


After seven years of living under asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange is now in a UK prison for skipping bail back in 2012. The journalist has been handed an unusually long sentence for such an offense and is now set to spend nearly a year behind bars – while the extradition hearings are looming.


Aside from the US, where Assange faces up to 175 years in prison on all charges, Sweden might seek his extradition as well. The country has reopened an investigation into allegations of rape by Assange, which he firmly denies. The probe into the claims was originally dropped back in 2017.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6670607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0619 >>0797 >>0907 >>1030 >>1071

‘Mr Brexit’ Nigel Farage Seen Arriving at President Trump’s London Residence


Brexit leader Nigel Farage has been seen entering the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in London just 30 minutes after President Donald Trump arrived at the stately home aboard Marine One.


The days leading up to this week’s State Visit to the United Kingdom by President Donald Trump have been populated with intense speculation over whether any off-schedule meetings with non-government British political figures might take place, but the arrival of Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence does suggest at least one will go ahead.


UPDATE 18125 — Nigel’s comments in full


Turns out Mr Farage had a private meeting with both President Trump and U.S. Ambassador Johnson. Here’s his account from his LBC radio slot:


I went to see him tonight, up at Winfield House… clearly it was a private meeting, but what I can say is that yes — he was on top, ebullient form, thoroughly enjoying the trip, having a great time, looking forward to getting across to Portsmouth and to Normandy for that 75th commemoration of D-Day.


He absolutely, obviously believes in Brexit. Believes it is the right thing for the country to do, and is concerned that it seems to be taking a very long time, and therefore he is very interested in who the next Conservative leader and Prime Minister is. He said some complimentary things about Jeremy Hunt, some complimentary things about Boris Johnson. And he’s going to be meeting Michael Gove at some point later on today.


He spoke to Boris Johnson and offered him a meeting, but he declined… and strangely, Jeremy Corbyn — this is interesting, isn’t it? He boycotts the state banquet, attends an anti-Trump rally in Trafalgar in Square, accuses Trump of spreading hatred and racism, and then asks Donald Trump for a meeting! Which Donald Trump refuses.


But what was most interesting about the meeting was the discussion of trade — and the extent to which I was left by both Donald Trump and Ambassador Woody Johnson with the impression — that the Americans are very, very prepared for their side of the negotiation… when I asked the extent to which the British were ready for this, the answers I got back were pretty coy but I was left with the impression we were behind the curve in every day.


Perhaps after all these years as members of the European Union, we simply don’t have people who are competent trade negotiators because it is all being done for us by somebody else. And I certainly am now very keen given the lack of the preparedness… to get a delegation of industrialists and business figures together, to fly out to Washington DC… to start these discussions. If the government can’t do it, maybe others will have to take that initiative?


UPDATE 1810 — Nigel Farage confirms meeting went ahead


Fresh from Winfield House where President Trump is staying for the duration of his London Trip, Brexit leader Nigel Farage has made it to the studios of LBC radio and has confirmed the rumoured meeting between him and the POTUS went ahead. Feathers in Downing Street will no doubt have been ruffled…

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6670616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0632 >>0645 >>0658 >>1030 >>1071

UN Chief: EU Needs Open Borders as Europe Historically ‘Enriched by Athens, Rome’


EU nations must surrender immigration controls to Brussels and have their borders opened wide to mass migration from outside the continent because Europe “has been enriched throughout its history by diversity”, according to Antonio Guterres.


Receiving the anti-national sovereignty Charlemagne Prize, previously awarded to globalist figures including Pope Francis, Angela Merkel, and Emmanuel Macron, the UN secretary general began his acceptance speech with the warning that many voters in Europe were “turning inward, mired in the memory of a golden age that probably never was”.


“Assimilating several culture[s] and legacies was the starting point of European culture,” Guterres told an audience in Germany last week, noting that the Charlemagne Palace in Aachen “borrowed several elements of Roman and Byzantine civilisation”.


But Europeans would not be able to “protect [the continent’s] rich heritage” without adhering to globalist demands including mass immigration, slashing carbon emissions to zero by 2050, and “boosting the [UN] 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals” which include calls for abortion on demand, equality of outcome based on gender, and the promotion of LGBT lifestyles to young children, he claimed.


Declaring that Europe “cannot be premised on ‘us’ versus ‘them’”, the Portuguese socialist said there was “no alternative” but to open the bloc’s borders, alleging that “closing our doors to asylum seekers does not protect but shame this heritage”.


“All societies tend to be, or are already, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-religious. This must be considered as a richness, not as a threat,” Guterres insisted, before demanding Brussels tear down EU nation states’ external frontiers and force taxpayers to send money to the Global South in order to achieve a “balanced [immigration] approach addressing the root causes of migration while preserving the rights and dignity of migrants”.


Pope Hails Election of Sadiq Khan, Celebrates Mass Muslim Migration Into Europe


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 22, 2016


The UN boss underlined so-called anthropogenic climate change, mass immigration, and xenophobic “hate speech” on the internet — the third of which he claimed in the address, which made no mention of Islamic extremism, is “fueling terrorism through social media” — as “three unprecedented challenges” which “knock on our doors” at “this time of great geopolitical disorder”.


After complaining that “the Human Rights [sic] agenda has been losing ground to the national sovereignty agenda”, Guterres went on to talk a little about the medieval ruler and first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, who had united the western part of Europe by the 9th century.


Comparing the struggle of the man dubbed ‘Father of Europe’, whose “inability to write was the … frustration of a lifetime” to third world refugee children imported to Europe, the former leader of Portugal added that “like Charlemagne, Europe had to learn from Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, and so many other cultures”.


In Britain, the UN leader’s speech was described as “necessary reading” by Church of England leaders declaring support for the far-left eco-movement, Extinction Rebellion.


In a pastoral newsletter for June, which made no mention of Jesus but instead heavily pushed for more establishment-promoted globalism, the diocese of Lichfield blasted the existence of “pockets of climate change deniers” who dared “portray protestors as misguided and even members of an ‘eco mob’” demanding Christians instead “salute” the aggressive, ‘eco-anarchist’ group “for prioritising the future of our planet over the comfort of their armchairs”.


New UN Boss Tells Europe Migration Unstoppable, Says Politicians Should Ignore Voters

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6670643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0863

Amazon Offered Job to Pentagon Official Involved With $10 Billion Contract It Sought


In a federal lawsuit, the tech giant Oracle has provided new details to support its accusation that Amazon secretly negotiated a job offer with a then-Department of Defense official who helped shape the procurement process for a massive federal contract for which Amazon was a key bidder.


Amazon Web Services and Microsoft are now the two finalists to win the highly contested $10 billion contract for what is known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI. The deal, one of the largest federal contracts in U.S. history, would pay one company to provide cloud computing services in support of Defense Department operations around the world.


But the contract has been hotly contested since the department began soliciting proposals last year. Two of Amazon’s competitors, IBM and Oracle, filed complaints with the Government Accountability Office saying that the winner-take-all process unfairly favored Amazon, which is seen as an industry leader in cloud computing. When its claim was rejected, Oracle sued the government in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.


Since the court battle began in 2018, Oracle has aggressively lodged conflict-of-interest accusations involving a former DOD official named Deap Ubhi, who left the department in 2017 to take a job at Amazon. In a court motion filed on Friday, Oracle alleged that while Ubhi worked on the preliminary research for the JEDI program in the late summer and fall of 2017, he was also engaged in a secret job negotiation with Amazon for months, complete with salary discussions, offers of signing bonuses, and lucrative stock options.


The motion further alleges that Ubhi did not recuse himself from the JEDI program until weeks after verbally accepting a job offer from Amazon and that he continued to receive information about Amazon’s competitors and participate in meetings about technical requirements, despite a government regulation that forbids such conflicts of interest.


“Neither Ubhi nor [Amazon Web Services] disclosed the employment discussions or job offer to DOD — not when the employment discussions started, not when the informal job offer occurred, not when the formal offer occurred, and not even when Ubhi accepted the offer,” Oracle’s motion reads.


As America’s technology companies have continued to outpace the Pentagon, the Defense Department has looked to recruit talent from Silicon Valley to help enhance its information technology.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6670659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US House to Hold AG Barr, Ex-White House Counsel McGahn Contempt Vote June 11


The US House of Representatives will vote on June 11 over whether or not to hold Attorney General William Barr and former White House Counsel Don McGahn in contempt of Congress for his refusal to submit a subpoenaed, unredacted version of the Mueller report to the legislature, multiple Democratic Party sources told Politico Monday.


The move will aim to hold Barr in civil contempt, not criminal contempt, which Democratic Party leaders have noted would be useless since the attorney general would never face charges from his own Justice Department.


"The resolution will authorize the Judiciary Committee to pursue civil action to seek enforcement of its subpoenas in federal court," reads a Monday statement by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD). "It also authorizes House Committees that have issued subpoenas as part of their oversight and investigation responsibilities to seek civil enforcement of those subpoenas when they are ignored."


"This Administration's systematic refusal to provide Congress with answers and cooperate with Congressional subpoenas is the biggest cover-up in American history, and Congress has a responsibility to provide oversight on behalf of the American people," Hoyer wrote.


The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the DOJ for an unredacted version of former special counsel Robert Mueller's Russiagate report last month, along with Mueller's underlying evidence. Barr released a redacted version in April, but declined House requests for the unredacted report, which a department spokesperson called "premature and unnecessary," Sputnik reported, and then declined to testify before Congress on the report.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6670679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook shareholder revolt gets bloody: Powerless investors vote overwhelmingly to oust Mark Zuckerberg as chairman


It’s now clear that independent Facebook investors voted overwhelmingly in support of proposals last week to fire Mark Zuckerberg as chairman and scrap the firm’s share structure.

According to the results of votes at Facebook’s annual shareholder meeting, 68% of outside investors want the company to hire an independent chairman. The majority was up from 51% last year.

Despite the revolt, the proposals did not pass because of Zuckerberg’s voting control of the stock, which means he can swat away shareholder demands.

“Arrogance is not a substitute for good corporate governance,” said Michael Connor, who helped coordinate action among activist Facebook investors.

NEW: Facebook investors open new front in war on Mark Zuckerberg: Now they want an independent investigation into his ‘outsized’ power.

Visit for more stories.


The Facebook shareholder revolt just got bloody.


In a filing on Monday, Facebook revealed how investors voted on a raft of proposals at its annual shareholder meeting last week – and the results underline the unrest among outside investors.


According to an analysis of the results by Open Mic – an organisation that works with activist shareholders to overhaul corporate governance at America’s biggest companies – independent shareholders overwhelmingly backed two proposals to weaken Mark Zuckerberg’s power.


Some 68% of ordinary investors, those who are not part of management or the board, want to oust Zuckerberg as chairman and bring in an independent figure to chair Facebook’s board.This was a significant increase on the 51% who voted in favour of an almost identical proposal last year.


Shareholders are furious at the way Zuckerberg has handled a series of Facebook scandals, including election interference on the social network in 2016 and the giant Cambridge Analytica data breach last year. They think the company would benefit from an independent chairman meant to hold Zuckerberg and his top team accountable.


Facebook’s share price fell dramatically last year following the Cambridge Analytica disaster, while weaker-than-expected growth compounded the downturn. The stock has not fully recovered after hitting a high of $US217.50 on July 25 last year. Shares plunged 7.5% to $US164.15 on Monday over the possibility of an antitrust investigation.


Furthermore, 83.2% of outside shareholders also backed a proposal to scrap Facebook’s dual-class share structure. Currently, class A shareholders have one vote for each share, while class B shareholders get 10 votes a share. Management and directors control class B shares.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6670698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Foxx’s Office Altered Info Given to Public for Smollett’s Lawyers


If there was any doubt that Jussie Smollett received special treatment after being accused of perpetrating a hoax, new documents released by the city of Chicago should remove it.

The former “Empire” actor, who is gay and black, made headlines in late January and early February after he claimed that he’d been the victim of a racially motivated and homophobic attack at the hands of supporters of President Donald Trump in the Windy City.

From the start, there were questions about his credibility … and then police revealed that they were actually investigating him for allegedly inventing the entire hate crime.

Now, documents released by the Chicago Police Department seem to confirm what many have long suspected: The office of left-leaning prosecutor Kim Foxx went out of its way to accommodate Smollett, even going so far as to apologize to his lawyers and work with them to alter the wording of statements to put the actor in a better light.

“Chicago prosecutors were so eager to protect Jussie Smollett, they took the ethically-questionable step of telling cops to stop investigating him — and they even let the actor’s lawyers dictate what to say in court in dropping the charges,” the New York Post reported Friday.

That newspaper is one of several which reviewed documents pertaining to the case released by the Chicago police, and what they found should alarm anyone who cares about even-handed justice.

Amazingly, it appears that the Chicago State’s Attorney Office, run by Foxx, never actually requested to see the evidence against Smollett which had been collected by detectives.

Yet Foxx and her staff still decided to offer Smollett a sweetheart deal by all but clearing him of any wrongdoing, enraging the hard-working Chicago police and even the city’s Democrat mayor in the process.

Beyond taking the bizarre step of telling police to end their investigation before it was finished and not even looking at the evidence, the prosecutor’s office also allegedly pandered to the suspect’s lawyers to help Smollett with his public relations issues.

“Prosecutors bent over backwards to keep Smollett’s lawyers happy, texts released by the state’s attorney’s office Friday night show,” the Post noted.

Messages between Risa Lanier of the criminal prosecutions bureau and Smollett attorney Patricia Brown Holmes reveal Foxx’s deputy seemed more worried about making Smollett look good than making sure he was held responsible for any alleged crimes.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6670711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0836 >>1030 >>1071

Planned Parenthood paid for prostitutes for staff, donors and guests who attended official functions.


A major British charity handed huge sums in foreign aid by the Government is alleged to have overseen the hiring of prostitutes for staff, donors and guests attending official functions.


International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world’s biggest sexual health charity, is also accused of offering young volunteers to adults at events in Africa.


The bombshell claims were made in an internal email circulated in December and repeated in court papers filed earlier this year in Kenya by the charity’s former Africa regional director.


The revelation comes as IPPF, which employs 30,000 staff and is backed by £132 million of British aid, is embroiled in a crisis threatening its future.


Top staff have quit and dozens of national associations have broken away, while governance concerns have sparked threats from an international donor to stop funding.


The furore follows a series of abuse scandals involving leading aid charities such as Oxfam, Save The Children and World Vision, which have also seen allegations of the use of prostitutes, harassment and trading of aid for sex in relief zones.


The claims against IPPF emerged after The Mail on Sunday revealed in January that the charity was struggling to oust its Africa regional director, Lucien Kouakou.


Whistleblowers raised fears over expenses fiddling, faked invoices and a £1 million land purchase in Nairobi.


There were also claims that Kouakou sent a ‘witch porn’ video featuring a snake and naked woman to a senior female colleague to intimidate her.


Now Kouakou has been kicked out and, as well as seeking compensation, has made explosive claims including that the family planning charity offered sexual ‘gifts’ to guests at African events for several years.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6670727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1030 >>1071

CRISPR-Cas9 babies likely to die earlier, Berkeley study says


Last year, Chinese researcher He Jiankui shocked the scientific community. He had artificially conceived genetically manipulated children. Now a study confirms: They have a significantly shorter life expectancy.


At the end of November 2018, Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui reported at a symposium in Hong Kong that he had conceived two children through artificial insemination. The big news: he had manipulated their genetic material with the help of the CRISPR/Cas9 "genetic scissors" before implanting the embryos.


This is probably the world's first case in which the human germline has been genetically manipulated. Changes like this will be passed on to future generations.


Ethicists and experts from a wide range of disciplines sharply criticized He's approach at the time: They said he had created a dangerous precedent and committed a grave ethical breach. Later, the Chinese government issued strict rules preventing future attempts at germline manipulation.


Moreover, there was no medical need for the genome editing and it was completely unclear whether the children or their possible offspring would be hit with undesirable health consequences later in life.


Now a study by Xinzhu Wei and Rasmus Nielsen from the University of Berkeley in the US state of California confirms the fears of critics at the time: People who have a comparable natural genetic modification die much earlier on average than people without it. The study was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6670742   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pentagon’s Phony Iran ‘Evidence’: New Rationale for US Intervention?==


Efforts to blame Iran for acts of sabotage went nowhere – but this feels way too much like 2003 all over again


Last week a senior Pentagon official accused Iran of having sabotaged four oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman on May 12 and of firing a rocket into Baghdad’s Green Zone on May 19. Iran executed these events, he said, either directly or through regional “proxies.”


But instead of creating sensational headlines, the briefing by Vice Adm. Michael Gilday, the director of the Joint Staff, was a flop, because it was clear to reporters covering it that he could not cite a single fact to back it up.


The story got only the most cursory coverage in major news outlets, all of which buried Gilday’s accusation deep in stories about the announced deployment of 1,500 more U.S. troops to the Middle East. Relatively few readers would even have noticed Gilday’s inflammatory claims.


Nevertheless, the briefing raises a serious question whether National Security Adviser John Bolton intended to use the new accusation against Iran stoke a war crisis – much as Vice President Dick Cheney, in another era, used the argument that Iraq had purchased aluminum tubes for a covert nuclear weapons program to justify the invasion of Iraq. A careful examination of Gilday’s accusations make clear that they do not even claim to be based on any intelligence assessment.


Substituting syllogism for evidence


Gilday was apparently chosen to give a non-political patina and the authority of the US military to an accusation that clearly originated with Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In a prepared statement, Gilday declared, “In the recent past, Iranian leaders have publicly threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz. They have backed up those threats with actions, posturing their forces in an effort to intimidate the movement of international trade and global energy sources.”

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6670757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0796

'Bloody massacre': Sudan forces kill at least 35, protesters say


UN condemns deadly Sudan crackdown as protesters call for 'total civil disobedience' to depose military rulers.


Sudanese protesters say at least 35 have been killed after security forces stormed the main protest camp in the capital, Khartoum, in the worst violence since the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir, drawing global condemnation.


The Sudanese Professionals' Association (SPA), which spearheaded nationwide protests that started in December, said Monday's crackdown amounted to a "bloody massacre".


"We are holding the Transitional Military Council (TMC) responsible for what happened this morning," the SPA said, referring to the military council which currently runs the country.


Pro-democracy leaders have called on people to take part in night marches and block the main roads as part of "total civil disobedience" to "paralyse public life" across the country.


A doctors' committee linked to the protesters said in a Facebook post on Monday that the death toll, which includes at least one child, had risen to at least 35, adding that it had been difficult to count in the sit-in area outside the military complex in Khartoum.


The group said hundreds of people had been wounded, mostly from gunfire, and that according to witnesses, bodies of protesters shot dead were disposed of in the Nile River near the site of the protest sit-in.


The United Nations condemned the use of excessive force by the security forces against protesters and called for an independent investigation into the killings.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement that he was "alarmed" by reports that security forces had opened fire inside a hospital in Khartoum.


"What is clear to us is that there was use of excessive force by the security forces on civilians. People have died. People have been injured," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.


A doctors' committee linked to the protesters said in a Facebook post on Monday that the death toll, which includes at least one child, had risen to at least 35, adding that it had been difficult to count in the sit-in area outside the military complex in Khartoum.


The group said hundreds of people had been wounded, mostly from gunfire, and that according to witnesses, bodies of protesters shot dead were disposed of in the Nile River near the site of the protest sit-in.


The United Nations condemned the use of excessive force by the security forces against protesters and called for an independent investigation into the killings.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement that he was "alarmed" by reports that security forces had opened fire inside a hospital in Khartoum.


"What is clear to us is that there was use of excessive force by the security forces on civilians. People have died. People have been injured," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.


A doctors' committee linked to the protesters said in a Facebook post on Monday that the death toll, which includes at least one child, had risen to at least 35, adding that it had been difficult to count in the sit-in area outside the military complex in Khartoum.The group said hundreds of people had been wounded, mostly from gunfire, and that according to witnesses, bodies of protesters shot dead were disposed of in the Nile River near the site of the protest sit-in.The United Nations condemned the use of excessive force by the security forces against protesters and called for an independent investigation into the killings.UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement that he was "alarmed" by reports that security forces had opened fire inside a hospital in Khartoum."What is clear to us is that there was use of excessive force by the security forces on civilians. People have died. People have been injured," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6670812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0856

Catholic Church Receives Billions from the USA, Illegal Immigration Proves Very Profitable


Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012


Not to be lost in the pomp and circumstance of Pope Francis’ first visit to Washington is the reality that the Catholic Church he oversees has become one of the largest recipients of federal largesse in America.


The Church and related Catholic charities and schools have collected more than $1.6 billion since 2012 in U.S. contracts and grants in a far-reaching relationship that spans from school lunches for grammar school students to contracts across the globe to care for the poor and needy at the expense of Uncle Sam, a Washington Times review of federal spending records shows.


Former Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York once famously noted in 1980 that the government funded 50 percent of Catholic Charities‘ budget, commenting “private institutions really aren’t private anymore.” Today, those estimates remain about the same, according to Leslie Lenkowsky, who served as the chief executive officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service under George W. Bush.


Catholic Charities USA, the largest charitable organization run by the church, receives about 65 percent of its annual budget from state and federal governments, making it an arm of the federal welfare state, said Brian Anderson, a researcher with the Manhattan Institute.


The federal government came to increasingly rely on the church to help it with Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty,” and the charities “imbued with their new faith in the government’s potential to solve social problems, eagerly accepted government money,” Mr. Anderson wrote in an essay for the Manhattan Institute.


Catholic Charities received nearly a quarter of its funding from government by the end of the 1960s, more than half by the late 1970s and more than 60 percent by the mid-1980s, the level where it has remained ever since, Mr. Anderson said.


Today, Catholic charity work is a large part of this nation’s social safety net, according to Mr. Lenkowsky, now a professor of practice in public affairs and philanthropy at Indiana University.


“A lot of the charity is distributing food, running homeless shelters, most things considered charitable,” said Mr. Lenkowsky. “So what we’re not talking about is federal money being paid for priests and religious activities.”


Fifty-seven government agencies are now contracting with the Catholic Church. If the church were a state, its $1.6 billion in funding would rank it about 43rd out of the 50 states in total federal funding, according to analysis by Adam Andrzejewski, founder of The majority of those funds are dedicated to refugee services and rehabilitation.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, noon No.6670840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1030 >>1071

Military Situation In Yemen On June 4, 2019


A brief overview of the recent developments in Yemen:


Ansar Allah targeted the Raas Abbas military base in Aden with a Qasef K2 suicide drone;

Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces were reported in Boqa’ area, Najran province;

Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continue at the Alab crossing and in the Rabua area;

Clashes were reported west of Hayran, Hajjah;

Saudi-led forces targeted the Jamal square and 50th street with mortar shells;

Saudi Coalition warplanes struck the Razih district, Saadah province;

Saudi Coalition warplanes struck the Mustaba district, Hajjah province.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6670854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0882 >>0941 >>1030 >>1071

Newly Released Amazon Patent Shows Just How Much Creepier Alexa Can Get


A newly revealed patent application filed by Amazon is raising privacy concerns over an envisaged upgrade to the company's smart speaker systems. This change would mean that, by default, the devices end up listening to and recording everything you say in their presence.


Alexa, Amazon's virtual assistant system that runs on the company's Echo series of smart speakers, works by listening out for a 'wakeword' that tells the device to turn on its extended speech recognition systems in order to respond to spoken commands.


On Amazon's devices, the wakeword is 'Alexa', but similar systems control how Apple devices work ('Hey Siri') and also Google's ('Hey Google'), not to mention products from other tech companies.


In theory, Alexa-enabled devices will only record what you say directly after the wakeword, which is then uploaded to Amazon, where remote servers use speech recognition to deduce your meaning, then relay commands back to your local speaker.


But one issue in this flow of events, as Amazon's recently revealed patent application argues, is it means that anything you say before the wakeword isn't actually heard.


"A user may not always structure a spoken command in the form of a wakeword followed by a command (eg. 'Alexa, play some music')," the Amazon authors explain in their patent application, which was filed back in January, but only became public last week.


"Instead, a user may include the command before the wakeword (eg. 'Play some music, Alexa') or even insert the wakeword in the middle of a command (eg. 'Play some music, Alexa, the Beatles please'). While such phrasings may be natural for a user, current speech processing systems are not configured to handle commands that are not preceded by a wakeword."


To overcome this barrier, Amazon is proposing an effective workaround: simply record everything the user says all the time, and figure it out later.


Rather than only record what is said after the wakeword is spoken, the system described in the patent application would effectively continuously record all speech, then look for instances of commands issued by a person.


"The [proposed] system is configured to capture speech that precedes and/or follows a wakeword," the application explains, "such that the speech associated with the command and wakeword can be included together and considered part of a single utterance that may be processed by a system."


It's actually a clever idea, similar as others have noted to Apple's introduction of its Live Photos feature in the iPhone in 2015.

Anonymous ID: f9d9d2 June 4, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6670938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0963

Democrat Presidential Candidate: Stacey Abrams Would Be Governor Of Georgia ‘If This Country Wasn’t Racist’


Democrat presidential candidate Seth Moulton claimed during a CNN town hall on Sunday that Stacey Abrams would be Governor of Georgia ‘if this country wasn’t racist.’


Seth Moulton is currently polling at less than 1% in most Democratic presidential primary polls.


Far left Stacey Abrams lost by over 50,000 votes in Georgia.


Fresh from Bilderberg