Anonymous ID: 5cfbf7 June 4, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6671621   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1840

THE DECLASs. ( There are going to be several )

Apart from Spygate, a number of other cover ups are going to be exposed.

As many of us are aware, U.S. politics have been stuck in an endlessly repeating loop for two years, with hysterical Democrats using control of corporate media and every legal tool possible to remove Trump, while Trump endlessly tweets “witch hunt.”

Basically, in 2016 the Clinton backing oligarchs asked their Rothschild counterparts in the UK to spy on Trump and concoct the Russiagate scandal to impeach him. Those involved in the UK who fought against the Trump campaign are now all being purged from the British military/intelligence/political power structure. This purge will be accompanied by a similar purge in the U.S.

“Trump giving [U.S. Attorney General William] Barr power to declassify gives him clean hands to terminate more Deep State actors when files are released about 9/11, 3/11 [Fukushima], and other military intelligence,” A foretaste of the sorts of files that are about to be released came with a leak from Holland of video and photographs taken immediately after “Malaysian Air” Flight 370/17 was shot down over the Ukraine.

These videos indicate major discrepancies between the official story. The information contained on the flights’ black boxes has “never been made public by the British, who received them,” British MI6 sources say, “Both the current and former prime ministers colluded to pervert the course of Justice .

Benjamin Fulford.