Interdasting 3-days shy of his ‘almost fatal’ car crash anniversary
Interdasting 3-days shy of his ‘almost fatal’ car crash anniversary
Cartels. He essentially said it in his UK presser earlier
No. Do you think the NYPD travels with POTUS or could keep it ‘less than 10?” Use your brain anon
>>groomed since the 80s
Believe this to be true, and was trying to warn us. Question is, why couldn’t he just tell everyone outright? Are there “rules” in the “game”??
good point anon. potus would have lost all credibility if he claimed that. imagine being him in that time and then having to watch all the horror that day after trying so hard to wake us up… my God, Bless his heart! I really hope to meet him and be able to tell him f2f how much love and appreciation for him I/we have…
also a very good point anon.
“Allegiances” to other group