For New Anons:
Signs you are dealing with a shill.
Spam and spammy tactics: In short, repeated copy pasta posts throughout every bread 7 days a week. Spammy tactics include using multiple devices and mashing the refresh button to make certain said spam is at the top of every bread.
IP Hopping: Changing IPs as part of a shill campaign. Designed to make it look like multiple people are posting said material when in truth it is just one shill. Typically done 2-4 times a bread. Legit anons have ZERO need to IP hop.
Ad Hoc Retorts to criticism: Shills will mainly use insults and personal attacks when called out for their shilling. They will use common retard shill talking points such as “Everyone who disagrees with me is a Jew” or alternatively (and just as retarded), “Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian Bot”.
Line these points up with our resident CIA Nigger Finklefag at the top of this bread. How many of the shill warning signs show up with his posts?