Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6671938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005 >>2256 >>2445 >>2557

Trump Meets With May in London, Discusses Bilateral Trade Deal


President Donald Trump’s U.K. trip went from pomp and pageantry to politics on June 4 as he met with outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May in London to discuss a bilateral trade deal to go into effect after the U.K. leaves the European Union.


Trump dialed back his past criticisms of May and instead heaped praise on the trading relationship between the two countries on day 2 of his state visit, as the leaders held a joint news conference near the prime minister’s Downing Street office. May is due to step down on June 7.


“The United Kingdom is America’s largest foreign investor and our largest European export market,” Trump said. “As the U.K. makes preparations to exit the European Union, the United States is committed to a phenomenal trade deal between the U.S. and the U.K.”


Trump praised in his remarks what he called the “the greatest alliance the world has ever known” in describing the countries’ relationship as he commemorated the 75th anniversary of D-Day in World War Two.


“The bonds of friendship forged here and sealed in blood on those hallowed beaches will endure forever,” he said.


Before the joint news conference, Trump and May had an economic meeting at St. James’s Palace that brought together 10 leading companies—five from the U.K. and five from the United States. CEOs and senior representatives from BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline, National Grid, Barclays, Reckitt Benckiser, JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs International, Bechtel, and Splunk were listed as attending.


The president noted the trading relationship between the two allies is worth “over £190 (241 U.S.) billion a year” and said that “everything” is “on the table” in regards to the possible trade deal, including the National Health Service.


“We’re the largest investors in each other’s economies, with mutual investments valued at as much as $1 trillion,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6671966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Nothing Short of Madness': Netanyahu Accused of Trying to Turn Israel Into Iran


Earlier, Israel's public broadcaster leaked details of an alleged draft agreement in which the prime minister had agreed to support a legal measure by a religious party on the separation of men and women in public places in exchange for support in forming a coalition government.


Blue & White Alliance co-chairman Yair Lapid has blasted an agreement he says will import Iran-style gender segregation into Israel, and accused the PM of "surrendering" to the religious right.


"The fact that Bibi surrendered to the demands of United Torah Judaism to introduce a law on segregating men and women in public spaces is nothing short of madness", Lapid tweeted.


"The man who has been speaking out against Iran for 20 years now wants to import it", the lawmaker added, referring to the Islamic Republic's stringent segregation of many of its public spaces based on gender.


On Monday, Israel's KAN broadcaster reported that the party United Torah Judaism had hinted that it would enter into a coalition with Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud in exchange for support in passing a law allowing the separation of men and women in public places. The law would also reportedly make it illegal for individuals to file lawsuits against the municipal organisers of segregated events.

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6671997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005 >>2256 >>2445 >>2557

Sanders: Netanyahu's peace is Israel between Mediterranean Sea, Jordan River


"Israel is making significant technological advances that could bring innovation and prosperity to the entire region, yet unable to achieve this goal because of Israeli-Palestinian conflict," he said


WASHINGTON – Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont raised sharp criticism Tuesday of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a video clip that was broadcast during the American Jewish Committee Global Forum in Washington, Sanders also said that opposing Netanyahu doesn’t make him anti-Israel.


“We must say loudly and clearly that we oppose reactionary policies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, [which] does not make anyone anti-Israel,” Sanders said. “Let me say it again. I am vigorously opposed to the reactionary racist and authoritarian policies of [US President] Donald Trump. That does not make me anti-American, and I am not anti-Israel because I oppose Netanyahu’s policies.”

Speaking on the peace process in the Middle East, Sanders said Israel is making significant technological advances that could bring innovation and prosperity for the entire region, yet it is unable to achieve this goal because of its unresolved conflict with the Palestinians.


“And I see [the] Palestinian people crushed underneath a military occupation [that is] now over a half-century old, creating a daily reality of pain, humiliation, and resentment,” he continued. “Let me be clear: I do not know how peace can be achieved in that region, but in the Gaza Strip, poverty is rampant. Fifty-three percent of people are unemployed. The number of unemployed is even higher, but young people at 99% of the residents cannot leave that area. That is not a sustainable situation.”


Sanders added that “ending the occupation and enabling the Palestinians’ independence and self-determination in a sovereign, independent, economically viable state of their own, is in the best interest of the United States, Israel, Palestinians, and the entire region. It is a necessary step in ensuring that Israel is accepted and integrated into the region.”


The senator said that he does not doubt the political challenges of reaching a solution, yet he still believes that agreements are possible “if there is a serious willingness to sit down and talk and compromise.”


“The truth is that the parameters of a solution are well known,” he said. “They are based in international law. They are based in multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions. And they are supported by an overwhelmingly international consensus. Two states based on the 1967 lines with Jerusalem as the capital of both states.”


“Unfortunately, [the] prime minister and his allies seem to be preparing for a future in which Israel controls the entire territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in perpetuity,” Sanders continued. “And the Palestinians receive limited autonomy within a disconnected series of communities.”


“That is not an acceptable outcome for anyone who supports the security, freedom and self-determination of both people,” he concluded.

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.6672024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2062

How The Media Covered Up The Real Collusion, Between Russians And The Hillary Campaign


The following is an excerpt from “Unmasked: Big Media’s War Against Trump,” out today from Humanix Books.


In July 2017, the media exploded over a meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya, the alleged “Kremlin-backed lawyer” (she wasn’t Kremlin-backed) at which Russians promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. But before we get into this coverage, let’s stop and consider: So bloody what? At one stage or another, there were probably a hundred meetings between Team Hillary and God only knows who, from the candidate on down, discussing dirt on Donald Trump. It’s what campaigns do. It’s also what journalists do.


If the evidence showed that this Russian woman was knowingly an agent of the Russian government offering ammunition to tilt the election and if there was any explicit or even implicit quid pro quo on the part of Team Trump to alter Russia policy in a favorable direction, you had a story, and a big one, too. Indictments and impeachment would follow, and deservedly so.


If. But there wasn’t a lick of evidence. Trump administration policy toward Russia was tougher than Obama’s! Still the “if” justified the endless speculation that Trump was probably a criminal. America would be faced with the nightmare that it had elected a traitor. Every mini-scoop was inflated into the latest contender in the urgent liberal question “Will this finally get Trump impeached and removed?” The media obsession was palpable. The evidence of their fever could be found on your own smartphone.


On the night of July 11, the CNN app was all ablaze with the Trump Junior jeremiads. One after another, the headlines were panicky and tabloidish:


“Trump’s web of Russian ties grows with Miss Universe links.”

“The most troubling parts of Don Jr.’s e-mail exchange with Rob Goldstone.”

“Kaine: Trump Jr. may have committed treason.”

“Trump Jr.s’ e-mails undermine what the White House has been saying.”

“Trump Jr.’s latest e-mail explanation to Sean Hannity doesn’t make any sense.”

“How much legal trouble is Donald Trump Jr. in?”

“Trump Jr. releases bombshell email chain.”


The National Enquirer would be proud of CNN’s passion. In the midst of this stream of speculation verging on mindless gossip, down in the fifth spot, was this other piece of news: “Special ops forces among 16 dead in Marine Corps plane crash.” Way down at the number eight spot was this: “Earth’s sixth mass extinction is more severe than we thought.” But Marines dying and alleged mass extinctions are boring and secondary to wild speculation about Russia. The next headline on the CNN phone app was “Tapper to Trump Jr.: Why so many lies?”

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.6672227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2245 >>2265 >>2282

McConnell Sends Warning to Trump on Tariff Threat Against Mexico: “There is Not Much Support in my Conference For Tariffs”


The do-nothing Senate Republicans sent Trump a warning Tuesday that they do not support tariffs on Mexican imports.


President Trump last Thursday evening announced that a 5% tariff will be imposed on all Mexican imports beginning June 10th and will gradually increase until the illegal immigration stops.


“On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied at which time the Tariffs will be removed. Details from the White House to follow,” Trump tweeted last week.


Just hours after President Trump announced he will be imposing 5% tariffs on Mexican imports over illegal immigration, Mexico’s president Lopez Obrador sent Trump a letter begging for a meeting to work toward a solution.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent President Trump a warning Tuesday afternoon and let him know that Senate Republicans do not support the tariffs on Mexico.


McConnell said Senate Republicans had an opportunity to meet with representatives from the White House over lunch about the tariffs.


“There is not much support in my conference for tariffs, that’s for sure…Our hope is that the tariffs will be avoided,” McConnell said. “Most of us hope that this Mexican delegation that’s come up here and discussed the challenges at the border and what the Mexicans might be able to do to help us more than they have will be fruitful and that these tariffs will not kick in.”


Over 100,000 illegal aliens are entering the US every month making bogus asylum claims only to be released into US communities and Congress sits back and does nothing about the invasion

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.6672328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342

Alabama lawmakers pass bill requiring chemical castration of convicted child molesters


Lawmakers in Alabama have passed a bill that would require the chemical castration of people convicted of a sex crime against a child under the age of 13, according to WIAT.


If Gov. Kay Ivey signs the bill, it would require child sex offenders aged 21 and older to be chemically castrated before leaving prison.


The bill, known as HB 379, was introduced by Republican State Rep Steve Hurst of Calhoun County, which is in the northeast part of the state.


“I had people call me in the past when I introduced it and said, ‘Don’t you think this is inhumane?’ I asked them, ‘What’s more inhumane than when you take a little infant child and you sexually molest that infant child when the child cannot defend themselves or get away, and they have to go through all the things they have to go through?’ If you want to talk about inhumane, that’s inhumane,” Hurst told WIAT.

Anonymous ID: 8b3f3e June 4, 2019, 4:08 p.m. No.6672497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2502 >>2557

Carnival slapped with a $20 million fine after it was caught dumping trash into the ocean, again


Carnival Corp. will pay $US20 million after Princess Cruises, a Carnival subsidiary, admitted to violating the terms of its probation from a 2017 conviction for improper waste disposal.

A court filing submitted on Monday said Carnival released food waste and plastic into the ocean, failed to accurately record waste disposals, created false training records, and secretly examined ships to fix environmental-compliance issues before third-party inspections without reporting its findings to the inspectors.

Monday’s settlement requires Carnival to devote more resources to comply with its probation and improve waste management.

Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.


Carnival Corp. will pay $US20 million after Princess Cruises, a Carnival subsidiary, admitted to violating the terms of its probation from a 2017 conviction for improper waste disposal.


A court filing submitted on Monday said Carnival released food waste and plastic into the ocean, failed to accurately record waste disposals, created false training records, and secretly examined ships to fix environmental-compliance issues before third-party inspections without reporting its findings to the inspectors.