To square the circle on the inside (past) all you need is the cos(angle) over the sin(angle). To square the circle on the outside you must calculate all the area outside the circle to the square. B equals 0,414213 at 45 Degrees but changes with each degree.
The squaring of the circle will be the relationship between the circumference of the arc per degree and the length of the triangle side per degree.
difference per degree 0.010782315. Ratio arc over line per degree 1013919564
My thoughts are that future proves past is mathematically proven. Einstein Relativity can be explained geometrically by using time interval (min plank constant). The farther the wave length the faster the velocity and largest change in time perception). Figuring the circle is part of that.
The fast and more warped space time is the longer the time interval wavelength and slower time seems to go internally but faster externally.. Figuring the time interval wavelength would seem to involve what warp is occurring in space/time more than velocity to me.