For the idiots who think Trump is an idiot this might help you wake up to the fact this guy has been playing the long game for a long time at a level no one on this board has the slightest clue about.
How many times have you heard Hannity say, “this is just the tip of the spear?”
Did you hear Trump use the term “tip of the spear” in his speech the other day?
Trump is the “tip of the spear.”
What’s “tip of the spear?”
Military tacticians and historians often make use of the term 'tip of the spear.' It refers to a combat force that is used to puncture the enemy's initial lines of defense, to be quickly followed by concentrated forces which destroy any remaining threat.
Source: http://
Now, look at the pictures. That’s his family crest – see the spear in the fist?
How often do you see him “pump the fist?”
'Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” – Confucius
I’ll let you figure the rest out