I think we're playing on a very different chess board. It'd be nice to hear from Q. How's that plan working out? Hasn't been such a great week yet AFAICT.
I don't see anything big or winning! Until indictments come down this is all BS! I am tired of pussy footing around!
We (I) was led by the nose by Obama and I ain't doing it again!
Nothing, zip, nada, zilch! Megalomania?
I worked for 4 years over two elections trying to get the Bush AWOL story out. We had all the FOIA docs. The shit head went AWOL during the time of war and Dan FUCKING Rather got fired! This is ALL BS!
Per Usual it won't help, we're being used.
Y'all don't get it! Really! Do we really think they're going to frog march Hillary and Bill and any of the crooks? Hell fucking no! We've been used.
Q, I am pissed! All I see is a nothing burger! Quit with your feeding us CRUMBS!
November? Is that what this is about? Fuck! I ain't doing this for elections! That's not what MAGA is about. We can't have KAG without MAGA and we are NOT there!
Isn't there a song about tomorrow>>667658 Always fucking tomorrow! And then nothing!
We put people in office to take care of things , not vice versa!
Q has been keeping US here super focused. "We're winning." Trump confirms Q posts and we act like Pavlov's dogs who salivate when the bell rings. This is not good without real evidence of intentions and I don't see them!
Where's Snowden?
Where's JA?
Why isn't HRC in jail?
Where's the video?
Ides of March? Et Tu, Q?