How do you anons think all this will go down? Will they release IG report, then start rounding people up. Or unseal the indictments and start arresting, then publish IG report. Just wondering what ya'll think of the timeline of events.
The Laboratory
Haitians call the CIA, US intelligence, their Duopoly, UN/NGOs and the Deep State (BIS) banksters, the “Laboratory.”
Haiti has a long history of being the Guinea Pigs for US Laboratory tests. Haitians have been the victims of their organ trafficking, child sex rings, prostitution, foul vaccines, rape, forced pregnancies, free trade zone import quota frauds, deaths quads, drug smuggling, money laundering, gun trafficking, human trafficking and humanitarian frauds in Haiti. The Laboratory (Deep State) conducts false flag operations to destabilize and test the public reactions, experiment and refine their attack weapons. (See Èzili at Weather Warfare, Haiti, HAARP, Hurricane Matthew, Katrina.)
War on the Masses
There is not a war on drugs or terrorism, but on Blacks, the poor and the non-white, worldwide. In our major urban cities, like in Chicago USA with all the shooting, Michigan with the poisoned water, there are secret DEA/CIA and police operatives and eugenics-based cleansing programs that drops guns, drugs, push liquor stores, pacify with embedded Black churches and weaponized music and movies which glorifies gangster rap, materialism and misogyny, all, to entrap young Black males into the mass incarceration system, organ trafficking system and provide jobs to rural towns that wouldn’t have an economy without Black bodies filling up prison beds.
Melanin-rich organs are superior in value and highly valued by the vampire elites. They believe themselves superior but need Black bodies to feed their for-profit prison industrial complex and eternal wars to continue worldwide for the systemic genocide against Black and brown communities, where the Neanderthugs get a steady stream of melanin-infused organs for harvesting.
It’s clear, how the UN-MINUSTAH babies and others born as issues of the occupiers, with fathers from far away places, may be confuse about identity and perhaps lose connection with their mother’s revolutionary Desalin triumphs. But the anonymous Pah abe, goes into different details about the “UN/MINUSTAH babies” and other biracial children that have cropped up all over Haiti since the US occupation behind UN mercenary guns, false charity and rigged elections began in 2004. Pah abe confirms melanin-infused organs are superior products by telling us that the bi-racial babies in Haiti are harvested by the wealthy billionaires to be used as body parts. He postulates the Rothchild/Rockerfeller clans need their blood in these donor children so their bodies don’t reject the organs. I am not sure how scientific that is. The pure melanin-infused organs are stronger. But it’s Pa abe’s contention that the bi-racial issue is needed for the wealthy but frail leech not to reject the organ.
Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking?
In our work at Èzili’s HLLN, we have evidence and do know about cholera as a cover for organ trafficking.
The plastic cholera body bags are used to transport the dead UN-cholera victims from Haiti to the US for the Universities, pharmaceutical companies and their UN/NGOs involved in the criminal trade. Some may not know where the organs are coming from, but they’d have to be brain dead not to know it’s a melanated organ.
Some of you will remember, I noted that a reliable source informed us, back in 2010, at the outset of the cholera outbreak that USAID’s first “relief” dollars for the cholera victims went to buy 200,000 body bags!
You may also recall, the incident, when the doctors at Mirebalais we questioned about why the bodies of those who were said to die of cholera were not returned to the families of the cholera victims for at least a funeral? We were suspiciously stonewalled. Then finally told it was because they were getting properly buried by the doctors and staff, in body bags to avoid further contamination of the earth. And when we said why can’t the grieving families (who had wanted us, as lawyers and justice activists, to ask these questions) attend those funerals or “disposal” activities. No answer. More, on State sides, we have confirmation of the uses of those body bags filled with Haitian “remains” a bit as described by this commentator below. For I’ve known the international criminals to cut out kidneys from victims, put it on ice in their igloo coolers, dump the bodies down the ravines of Mirebalais and Thomazeau, fly out the organ parts on military planes to their wealthy waiting clients in the Middle East, NY, Florida and California.
A great portion of human trafficking happens at oil rigs, at the over 1000 US military basis around the world, and on the high seas for the pleasures of sick oligarchs and their servants who use the women and children and sometimes, discard the bodies at sea. The UN is teeming with pedophiles. See, Èzili links at UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.