Anonymous ID: e73362 March 14, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.667709   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just a thought re: Gary Cohn;


(((They))) own all the stocks

  • ++ +++ own all the stocks

Canal controllled sovereign wealth funds control all the stocks.

Bonds too.


What does Trump do? Appoints Cohn and Mnuchin to economic posts. Goldman. Tells (((them))) coast is clear.


Good move. Why? If a couple of these groups decide to coordinate an attack on the market they could do some real damage. Don’t worry, though, Goldman is here.


Oh wait. What about the Plunge Protection Team (formally the Presidents Working Group on the Markets)? They could always step in to halt the collapse, except…


It’s run out of the New York Fed open markets operations trading desk. Who ran the FED until very recently? Hag and general moron Grandma Yellen.


Now she’s gone and Trump’s guy Powell is in. So now Trump has the freedom to knock the Goldman guys off the team because any coordinated attack on the markets will run into the unlimited buying power of the PPT, marshaled by the recently appointed Fed Governor.


Any FedFags have thoughts on this?