Anonymous ID: 835754 June 4, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6672912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925


what every child needs is decent parents. Fuck social services. make the fucking parents do their fucking job. plus social service sometimes takes the wrong kids under false pretenses.

Anonymous ID: 835754 June 4, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.6672963   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no killing them- that wrong. Instead just cut welfare to zero, DNA tag the daddy and deport all illegal aliens. Also repatriate refugees, which is more critical than the other 2. We dont need Somalian muslims.Send them all home.


i want liberals to cry andscream and I can pat them on the head and say there there…the truth is fine once you adjust.

Anonymous ID: 835754 June 4, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.6673008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123


He was just at the bilderberg meeting too. He was an arrogant prick to the utoob journalists whoo use his product.


I wonder if we will hear any feedback from anybody we know here on the is board what Jared and Kansas did at the Bilderberg meeting.


Trust Kansas…. OK.


How do anons dig something so hidden?

Anonymous ID: 835754 June 4, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.6673117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my help


What is the significance of May stepping down?


-may stepping down means her party failed, all those resignations. It's admitting the govt agenda.


What is the real consequence of Brexit?


They lose London- the financial center of the EU. Eu loses influence. Eu starts to crack and it fails.


What happens when the Euro falls?


-same thing if the dollar fails. the central banks start to fail and individual countries go to another base currency or their own. good explanation here:


A country would default on its debt and decide best option is to leave and create a new currency. The first country to leave would be Greece. Greece would be damaging, but if Greece was followed by bigger economies like Spain, Italy and Portugal it could be devastating. There would probably remain a small nucleus of countries around Germany in North Europe who manage to retain a common currency – Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxumbery – possibly France.

Likely Impact of Euro Break Up


Capital Flows from Departing Countries.


If a country left, their new currency would devalue by 20-30%. Therefore, if you have savings in Italy / Greece, you could see a 20-30% devaluation in its value. Therefore, investors will seek to remove their savings from Italian banks and sell their Italian bonds. They would then put their money in the ‘safer’ northern block. Due to financial globalisation, it is relatively easy for people to quickly to withdraw their money. It would be much more damaging than say the run on Lehman Brothers. Therefore, countries leaving the Euro would see a potentially damaging level of capital flows. Outward capital flows would have bad impact on confidence. It would limit Italian banks ability to lend and would cause lower economic growth.


What happens when the EU falls?


it becomes irrelevant "The whole edifice of the EU rests on law. The EU has no police force to enforce its will. It relies on member states freely respecting the interpretation of EU law by the European Court of Justice, and implementing the Court’s decision, however unpleasant that may be. The exit of a country from the euro is, quite simply, a breach of their Treaty obligations and treaty obligations have the force of law.".


Cornered animals.


Yep. Corned animals with nuclear capabilities like France. So nuclear blackmail using France's arsenal.