Anonymous ID: ebb101 June 4, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6672644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2694 >>2730

Report: Mexico Getting Illegals Bus Tickets to 'Different Places Along The Border' to 'Spread Them Out'


Mexico is ferrying around illegal aliens to "different places along the border to kind of spread them out" so they'll avoid the "bad optics" of crossing "all in one big unit," the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies said Tuesday.


From OneNewsNow, "Mexico good at PR, poor at stopping migrants":


Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, agrees that Mexico has been more cooperative with the Trump administration.


“There is lots of room for improvement obviously,” he says, “but they've been much more cooperative than they have been before in trying to limit this flow of people from Central America.”


With that said, however, he advises that supposed assistance has been just for show such as the caravan that was halted at the border.


“What they ended up doing was just getting people bus tickets to different places along the border to kind of spread them out,” Krikorian recalls, “so that if they were going to cross they wouldn't be doing it all in one big unit, which would be bad optics, be incendiary.”


Much of the supposed “cooperation” therefore amounts to an attempt at good public relations with Trump, he adds.


When they make it into the US, the Department of Homeland Security puts them on buses and planes and places them throughout the country.


"In congressional testimony, [DHS head Kevin McAleenan] said his agency is releasing '100 percent' of adult border crossers who arrive with children at the U.S.-Mexico border and giving them work permits shortly thereafter," Breitbart reported last week.

Anonymous ID: ebb101 June 4, 2019, 4:35 p.m. No.6672669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2777 >>3104

Netanyahu becomes Israel’s new Justice Minister while he still faces criminal charges


Israeli politics reached a new level of absurdity on Tuesday when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – who is facing three separate corruption charges – allocated the justice portfolio to himself, on top of his other ministries.


The move leaves Netanyahu, who has served as Israel’s premier continuously for the last decade, in control of four ministries –in addition to the prime minister’s office– including Defense, Health, Education and, now, Justice.


Netanyahu’s decision to retain the justice portfolio for himself, effectively immunizing himself from the law, has left him open to harsh criticism, as he has effectively put himself in charge of the very officials tasked with scrutinizing his own alleged improprieties.


Three criminal cases have hung heavily over Netanyahu since February, when Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced he would indict Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust over his relationships with media moguls, which are alleged to have involved political favoritism.


Filling the post of justice minister fell to Netanyahu after he axed from his cabinet Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Education Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday, two lawmakers who failed to return to the parliament after their upstart New Right party failed to get enough votes in April’s national elections.


But Netanyahu’s curious decision to hoard portfolios would seem to result from his hesitation over appointing a religious rival to one post, precisely when he is coming under public criticism for granting too many concessions to religious parties.


After he failed to appoint a replacement for Shaked, judiciary officials said that it was unthinkable for Netanyahu to retain the post for himself. “Netanyahu cannot fill in for the Justice Minister for even a single day,” unnamed Israeli figures told Israel’s Channel 13.


“The prime minister must immediately appoint a replacement for the Justice Ministry,” said the Movement for Quality Government, an Israeli civil society group, calling Netanyahu’s assumption of the post “a shameful political trick that harms the public trust in the legal system.”


“It’s not only psychotic that he will serve even for a second as justice minister – he should have been forbidden from even firing the [previous] justice minister, and from hiring a new justice minister,” tweeted prominent independent journalist and anti-corruption activist Or-ly Barlev.


After Netanyahu failed to form a government in the six weeks allotted to him after winning at the polls in April, his ruling Likud party led the parliament in dissolving itself, setting the stage for new national elections, to be held on September 17.

Anonymous ID: ebb101 June 4, 2019, 5:02 p.m. No.6672933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Italians, the British and the Israelis


What is quite stupefying about the many accusations thrown around by the Left against the Right is that it really was the Italians, the British and the Israelis who blatantly interfered in the 2016 election and/or throughout the aftermath, NOT THE RUSSIANS.


The Kremlin was fully aware of the many reckless and desperate attempts to fix the U.S. election and then to depose Trump, which surely discouraged Putin’s Russia from getting involved in any way; nevertheless, they have received all the blame for doing nothing.


Even Robert Mueller’s only press briefing on the matter was primarily concerned with laying blame on the Russians for Hillary Clinton’s epic defeat when, in truth, Moscow is the furthest from the crime scene, both literally and figuratively.


Of course, everyone knows by now just how much London was intimately involved in this seditious fiasco. Their obvious guilt should be seen as an outright attack on American democracy. See: It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it was the British.


Very few have come to realize that the Brits have been at war with the American people since the Thirteen Colonies appeared to gain their independence. That very long and tortuous back story is now known as CROWNGATE: THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY.


Then there was Israel, which had a LOT to lose or gain by the outcome of the 2016 election. As a matter of historical fact, every Prime Minister of the Modern State of Israel since its founding has pointed out that whoever sits in the White House must be chosen by “the Chosen” in Tel Aviv. Without massive amounts of annual foreign aid, U.S. military support and diplomatic cover from the State Department, Israel would be in extremely serious trouble. Hence, it is Israel that has always worked the hardest to fix the POTUS selection every 4-year election cycle. See The Truth Finally Comes Out: Israel routinely intervenes in U.S. elections.


Details in link.