Anonymous ID: f0c535 June 4, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.6672707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2743

>>6671495 PB

>Great idea!


>Bill HB 379 would have child sex offenders undergo chemical castration before they leave prison.


Not such a great idea if you are talking kiddie porn on computers, and only a 3% right to trial by jury these days. They can down load porn on to your computer, write an anonymous letter to the cops about you accusing you of kiddie porn on computer, Offer you 20 years if you ask for jury trial, or, 2 years if you plead out, and then, castrate you on the way out the door.


Until the right to trial by jury is restored. Until the government has to PROVE that YOU put the porn on your computer, too many divorcee's will use this as a weapon against their husbands.

I have seen it done to steal technology being developed on a computer, to completely innocent men.

I have seen it done by spouses who are announcing they are getting a divorce, and kick their husbands out. By the time he gets back into the house to collect his computer and clothes, the porn photos have been planted.

Now, did she get caught?

Yes, only because she waited to put them on the computer until AFTER he left, but before he picked the computer and clothes up.



You need to always think of how a law can be abused before you decide it is the way to go.


Right now we have a legal crisis going on.

They have built the highways to fit the growing population, but not the courts. They took a judges right to mitigate a punishment to the circumstances, and created mandatory sentencing. NOW Prosecutors are getting rediulous "conviction rates" because there are no conviction rates. Only 3 % of accused people get trial. ALL have to confess guilt, even if innocent, to get out of jail with some life left to live.

Our justice system needs to be built to handle the jury trial system again. Power to extort guilty pleas from the innocent,….needs to be taken from prosecutors. And the right to prove that you have been "framed" when putting a couple pictures on someones computer is so so so easy, and bribery works so so so well… all of this needs to be delt with.


Otherwise, if you have a trial by jury physical rape conviction… then yes. I agree chemical castration might MIGHT be in order, depending on age.


Image sauces:

Anonymous ID: f0c535 June 4, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.6672826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AGREED. I have seen this happen to two men in my extended family. They really wanted to swat team the hard drives for the technology being developed, and for the 20 years of technology located on six other hard drives in the house/business location, The hard drives were "lost" by the police, never to be returned. The innocent business owner had to plead out, even though the porn was never seen in court. It was his word against the prosecutor that the 17 pictures existed on his hard drives, but, it never got to that. THe prosecutor said if he asked for a jury trial, he would get 17 years, one for each pic. If he pled guilty, he would get three. At the court, I watched the judge offer the business owner 2 years if he would sign away his rights to the lost hard drives with the high tech on them.




I suspect the Chinese may even be paying some of our cops to do the porn planting, and the swat teaming for them, to steal technology at this point.


And the divorce thing is crazy.

NO LAWS like this. MEN in general, innocent men, can be framed WAY TOO EASY.


I'm TGFO, but, we have to protect the men in our country right now, seriously. ESPECIALLY men who's wives are divorcing them, and men who have extremely high value technology or patent processes they are working on.


Come to think of it, I have not looked, but, I am betting we need to protect male reporters who do not tow the line, and work in on line journalism too. PLEASE


Do not let ANYONE on your computers, and learn every thing you can about how to stop any download viruses and ransomware.