Anonymous ID: 16f378 June 4, 2019, 6:39 p.m. No.6673758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807 >>3909 >>4126

Italian President May Dissolve Parliament As Early As July


As the populist coalition between Matteo Salvini’s Lega and the Five Star Movement continues to face rising tensions, Italian media claim that President Sergio Mattarella could dissolve the parliament as early as next month. Following the European elections, the two coalition parties have seen a reversal in voting share with Lega becoming the dominant party in Italy, while the Five Star Movement has tumbled in the polls.


According to a report from newspaper Il Giornale, some have predicted that increased tensions between the two parties could mean that the government has around one month or so before facing collapse and crisis. If the coalition breaks apart it will be the role of President Matarella to attempt to form an alternative majority but will likely be forced to dissolve the parliament if none can be found and hold elections in September. A major source of disagreement between Salvini’s Lega and the Five Star Movement (M5S) has been Salvini’s push to introduce tax cuts and a flat tax, using increased deficit spending to cover short term costs. The plan is also likely to see the Italian government once again come into conflict with the European Union Commission who threatened to begin a sanctions process against Italy over a previous budget that saw a level of deficit spending the EU did not agree with.


Last week, the EU Commission demanded information from the government on the state of deficit spending, once again highlighting the possibility of reopening the sanctions process. Between both Salvini and M5S leader Luigi Di Maio, who both serve as co-deputy Prime Minister, has been Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who has been forced to reiterate his position as leader of the government as many, including Italian media, see Salvini as becoming Prime Minister in all but name following the EU election.

Anonymous ID: 16f378 June 4, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6673831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3909 >>4126

Maxine Waters Admits Her Crusade to Impeach Trump Has Little Support


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), one of the first lawmakers on Capitol Hill to support impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, admits that the American public does not support her position. “I do believe that our country is a bit unsettled because we have the president — the likes we’ve never seen before. We have people coming from all different directions in our society saying something is wrong, and members of the California society want members of Congress to do something about it,” Waters told Cheddar in an interview outside the California Democratic Convention over the week.


The House Financial Services Committee chairwoman then conceded that polls show Americans disagree with her on impeachment — but expressed optimism that the tide will turn once the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which cleared the 2016 Trump campaign of criminal conspiracy with Russia, is better understood. “And so it’s not reflected yet in the way that it should be reflected in the polls, but I’m confident that as each day goes by, that as people learn more and more, and the Mueller report has helped an awful lot. People understanding things they’ve never heard before,” the California Democrat said. “Many people will never read that report, but as we go through our constitutional responsibility of oversight and investigation in the six committees that have that responsibility with this investigation, people are going to learn more and I’m confident the support for impeachment will grow,” she added.


Waters’ comments after the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey showed the majority of voters oppose impeachment. “Of the 1,295 registered voters polled, only 37 percent support impeaching and removing President Trump from office. While 43 percent favor “no action,” 60 percent of Democrat voters believe Trump should be impeached and removed altogether,” Breitbart News reported. Polling aside, it is unlikely the will of the voters will sway Waters from her position on impeachment. Just last week, the California Democrat referred to President Trump as a “traitor” and “porn star fornicator” who “should take his ridiculous self home, resign, and free us of what we will have to do to impeach him and throw him out of office!”


While Waters talks tough about impeachment, the longtime lawmaker did not object when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signaled during a House Democrat caucus conference call that leadership has no immediate plans to pursue impeachment. Nonetheless, Pelosi continues to face pressure from dozens of Democrats to support the start of impeachment proceedings. Over 50 congressional Democrats now support it, as do various White House hopefuls, including Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). On Tuesday, over 25 progressive groups, including the Justice Democrats and the Women’s March, sent a letter to Pelosi demanding she begin proceedings to oust the president, writing: “As Speaker of the House, you have the power to ensure Congress exercises its constitutional obligation to hold this president accountable, but instead of using your power, you are giving us political excuses for why you shouldn’t.”

Anonymous ID: 16f378 June 4, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.6673901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3955

Pelosi: Public Not Smart Enough to Understand Impeachment


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently expressed concerns that the American public is not smart enough to truly understand the impeachment process. The California lawmaker has been hesitant to jump aboard the impeachment train alongside the more “energized” members of her party. Prior to the tumultuous 2018 midterm elections and Mueller report results, Pelosi promised impeachment was “off the table.”


“Going into the [2006] election, I said it’s off the table. I didn’t mean it’s off the table if you had some goods. If somebody has information, then we can act upon it,” Pelosi told Rolling Stone. “But from what we know now, it’s off the table.” “Even with Trump. If you got something, show it,” Pelosi continued. “But I’m not going after it. What we’re going after is the economic security of America’s working families.”


Pelosi seemed to have a change of heart last month and accused Trump of being involved in a “cover-up.” “We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up,” she said after emerging from a meeting with House Democrats.


Fellow Democrat members are desperately trying to build a pro-impeachment coalition– one Pelosi would be unable to withstand. A number of House Democrats have been setting up a series of meetings in an effort to recruit and beef up their pro-impeachment movement, according to a report from the Daily Beast. Despite Pelosi’s subtle shift in tone, there’s still an element of hesitancy for pursuing impeachment. It’s seemingly rooted in her concern for the American people’s mental capacity, or lack thereof.


Pelosi reportedly made the remarks during a closed-door members’ meeting following Memorial Day weekend, according to the Daily Beast, who reported: The Speaker, according to two sources with knowledge of the meeting, expressed concerns that the public still doesn’t understand how the process of impeachment would play out. She noted that in her time over the recess in California well educated voters didn’t seem to understand that impeachment proceedings would not necessarily result in Trump’s immediate ouster from office. An internal struggle continues to exist between House members who want to impeach Trump and those who fear ruffling the House Speaker’s feathers.

Anonymous ID: 16f378 June 4, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.6674020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4043 >>4048 >>4109 >>4128 >>4135 >>4151

Democrats Pass Bill Forcing Schools to Let Male Athletes Compete in Girls’ Sports


The Democratically controlled House of Representatives voted Friday 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams. Eight Republicans crossed party lines to vote for the bill, which had unanimous Democratic support.


The bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, that would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls. Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube introduced a last-minute amendment to the bill that would have preserved Title IX’s protections of female athletic teams, but Democrats rejected it.


Every House Democrat but one co-sponsored the legislation. The only Democrat who wasn’t a co-sponsor, Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, announced his support for the bill following pressure from left-wing activists. “People need to wake up. This radical bill is going to totally eliminate women’s and girls sports,” Republican Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko warned in an op-ed Thursday. Republican Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler and a half-dozen other House Republicans held a press conference Thursday in opposition to what Hartzler dubbed the “Inequality Act.” “Congress enacted Title IX to provide equal opportunities for women in education and sports. All this is erased under H.R. 5,” Hartzler said at the press conference.


Three former elite female athletes, Doriane Coleman, Martina Navratilova, and Sanya Richards-Ross, warned that the Equality Act would wreak havoc on women’s sports in an April 29 Washington Post op-ed. “The legislation would make it unlawful to differentiate among girls and women in sports on the basis of sex for any purpose. For example, a sports team couldn’t treat a transgender woman differently from a woman who is not transgender on the grounds that the former is male-bodied,” the former athletes wrote. “Yet the reality is that putting male- and female-bodied athletes together is co-ed or open sport. And in open sport, females lose,” the three women warned. House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, insisted the bill wouldn’t put female athletes at a disadvantage.

Anonymous ID: 16f378 June 4, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6674075   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I love the position all of these people have cornered themselves into now, their panic will leave a legacy not much different than Obama's, we'll just have to undo it all. (I highly doubt this makes through the Senate) Cuz the louder they scream the closer its getting to BOOM Time!