>>6673345 (lb)
I use pics with archive links (which if you access also show the original link) because you and your Hasbara buddies like to memory hole anything that makes Israel look bad :)
Here, have over 50 links talking about Jewish and Israeli subversion:
Just for some perspective:
The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).
Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).
The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)
You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).
That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it’s also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).
This is the same group that is one of the main forces behind the legalization of abortion (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) and gay “marriage” in the US (32) (33), a curious fact being that Chuck Schumer was criticized for being pro-abortion in the US at the same time he attended a gala for an Israeli anti-abortion organization called Efrat that seeks to reduce abortion among Israeli Jews. (34)
Furthermore, Israel steals technology from the US and passes it to China (35).
The zionists in the Trump administration and the US Congress use their influence in the US Government to try to bully Poland into submitting to the zionist unjust and extortionist demands they have for Poland. (36) (37) (38)
In fact, the US Congress is a foreign agent of Israel, for now. (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45)
And Israel created Hamas (46) (47) (40).
Also, Israel was most likely complicit in the 9/11 Attack to the 3 NY Towers in 2001. (48) (49) (50) (51)
300 million Americans are, for now, hostages to some 15 million Jews (US Jews + Israel Jews). This is why Israel comes last IMHO.
Off course, the facts above do not mean there are no good Jews or Patriot Jews, although it is a fact that Jewish collective power is a subversive force operating in the West, that does not make all Jews bad people or un-Patriotic..
I suggest everyone listen to this Steve Pieczenik (an America First Patriot Jew) video:
"OPUS 150 Bolton and Pompeo You're Fired!" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBa9l5zUlBI