Anonymous ID: a4d903 June 4, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6673613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3625

Time To Hold Hillary Accountable


Hillary Clinton has a lot to answer for, particularly if the new standard for investigating a presidential candidate is "it looked suspicious."


To that end, The Hill's John Solomon wants to revisit the Clinton apparatus; from "overt appearance" of 'pay-to-play' plaguing the Clinton Foundation (which saw donations crater by 90% after she lost the 2016 election), to Clinton's ability to "sic the weight of the FBI and U.S. intelligence community on a rival nominee," while simultaneously bankrolling a "foreign-fed, uncorroborated political opposition research document" which was used to both spy on the Trump campaign and harm Donald Trump politically.


And while there are many other "suspicious" Clinton matters one could investigate spanning decades, Solomon focuses on the two most significant and recent examples that probably wouldn't take an honest Special Counsel too long to flush out.


In closing, Solomon has 10 essential questions for Clinton.


Authored By John Solomon via The Hill

Hillary Clinton's Russia Collusion IOU: The Answers She Owes America


During the combined two decades she served as a U.S. senator and secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s patrons regularly donated to her family charity when they had official business pending before America’s most powerful political woman.


The pattern of political IOUs paid to the Clinton Foundation was so pernicious that the State Department even tried to execute a special agreement with the charity to avoid the overt appearance of “pay-to-play” policy.


Still, the money continued to flow by the millions of dollars, from foreigners and Americans alike who were perceived to be indebted to the Clinton machine or in need of its help.


It’s time for the American public to call in their own IOU on political transparency.


The reason? Never before — until 2016 — had the apparatus of a U.S. presidential candidate managed to sic the weight of the FBI and U.S. intelligence community on a rival nominee during an election, and by using a foreign-fed, uncorroborated political opposition research document.


But Clinton’s campaign, in concert with the Democratic Party and through their shared law firm, funded Christopher Steele’s unverified dossier which, it turns out, falsely portrayed Republican Donald Trump as a treasonous asset colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin to hijack the U.S. election.


Steele went to the FBI to get an investigation started and then leaked the existence of the investigation, with the hope of sinking Trump’s presidential aspirations.


On its face, it is arguably the most devious political dirty trick in American history and one of the most overt intrusions of a foreigner into a U.S. election.


It appears the Clinton machine knew that what it was doing was controversial. That’s why it did backflips to disguise the operation from Congress and the public, and in its Federal Election Commission (FEC) spending reports.


Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) used the law firm of Perkins Coie to hire Glenn Simpson’s research firm, Fusion GPS, which then hired Steele — several layers that obfuscated transparency, kept the operation off the campaign’s public FEC reports and gave the Clintons plausible deniability.

Anonymous ID: a4d903 June 4, 2019, 6:50 p.m. No.6673859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911 >>3916 >>3927 >>3988

Irony Alert: ‘Trump Blimp’ Stabbed in London


A woman was arrested in central London Tuesday evening after the “blimp” designed to mock President Donald Trump was stabbed with what may have been a small pair of cosmetic scissors.


The effigy of President Trump, who has repeatedly warned of rising crime levels in London and in particular stabbings, was deflated Tuesday after it had been flown at an anti-American protest in central London.


British tabloid newspaper the Daily Mail reports the attack, possibly launched with a small pair of nail scissors which were later recovered by police, was allegedly carried out by a pro-Trump individual who shouted that the caricature of the President was “a disgrace”.


The paper claimed the woman arrested was known by her online name of ‘Based Amy’ and is a follower of British street organiser, citizen journalist, and former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson.


Police confirmed the arrest of a woman for possession of a pointed article Tuesday.


The incident takes on an acute irony after the war of words between the real-life President Trump and London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan over London’s surge of knife crime.


While the local politician has made much political hay out of grandstanding against the leader of the free world, President Trump himself has frequently pointed to Khan’s poor record on crime in London, and suggested that rather than trying to build his profile by virtue signalling he could work to tackle the knife crimewave impacting the daily lives of Londoners.


Breitbart London reported Monday on President Trump’s written remarks on Khan, Tweeted as Air Force One prepared to touch down in London. Responding to Mayor Khan’s insistence that allowing President Trump to visit the United Kingdom was un-British, he wrote: “[Khan] is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me.”


A report on Khan’s first three years in office released last week included statistics that knife crime has risen by 52 per cent, robbery by 59 per cent, and gun crime by 30 per cent. Homicide has risen by 24 per cent and is now at the highest level in over a decade in the city.

Anonymous ID: a4d903 June 4, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6673991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4008 >>4063

The Coming LGBTQ+ ‘Equality Act’ Will Make It Nearly Impossible To Preach The Gospel In Public Or Keep Transgenders Out Of Your Daughter’s Restroom


The Equality Act defies the purpose of anti-discrimination laws. The original Civil Rights Act was enacted to protect African-Americans from being denied access to material goods and services. The Equality Act, by contrast, would be used as a sword to attack people and force them to adopt new ideologies about human sexuality. This extreme and dangerous legislation would create unprecedented harms to businesses, charities, medical professionals, women and children, and entire families. The writing is on the wall: The Equality Act is anything but equal.


The so-called ‘Equality Act’ is nothing more than a set up for Christians. It is a way for the Left to say “Obey the law or go to jail.” Very similar to what is happening to Christians all over the world. But our brethren are being killed. We are not there yet.


American Christians think that we are somehow immune from persecution. We are not. This Equality Act may not become law now, but it will one day. We will be placed in jail or re-education camps or worse.


“All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” Matthew 24:8-10 (KJV)


One thing I will say about the Left – they are persistent in their persecution of Christians and Conservatives. Just for the record, you can’t be a Christian Liberal. That is an oxymoron. The Left are frustrated right now. You see, having Donald Trump in the White House just puts a kink in any and all plans they have in their attempt to squash their perceived enemies.


These people are unsaved and don’t have the ability to see that they are being used by the wicked one himself – Satan. We should be praying for our government officials every day.


Let’s talk about the Equality Act from


First I will publish a summary of H.R.5:


Shown Here:

Introduced in House (03/13/2019)

Equality Act


This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. Specifically, the bill defines and includes sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation.


Anonymous ID: a4d903 June 4, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6674073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4104 >>4121

Disappointing – Judge Sullivan Folds, Accepts Mueller Team Non-Production….


In the Weissmann/Mueller case against Michael Flynn there are two material points of evidence central to the underlying issue:


The FBI 302 report written by agent Joe Pientka; as an outcome of the interview of Michael Flynn January 24th, 2017, conducted by Peter Strzok and Pientka.

The recording/transcript of the December 29th, 2016, phone call intercept between Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


According to the special counsel position Flynn lied about the 12/29/16 phone call content during the 1/24/17 FBI interview. However, this always appeared to be a sketchy claim. Seemingly suspecting something was amiss, in two separate court demands, Judge Emmet Sullivan requested production of both the Flynn 302 and the transcript of the call.


The special counsel’s office (Brandon Van Grack), and the DC U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu, refused to provide the underlying evidence to the court. Instead they informed the court the material was irrelevant to their prosecution of Flynn:


Backstory in link

Anonymous ID: a4d903 June 4, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.6674111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I try to limit my TRUTH post also as it seems counterproductive at times. Been feeling better watching Netanyahu being forced into submission. I think they know if it goes left there is a shitton of patriots WW who will go postal instantly. The long game is annoying but I can see some merit in it.