>>6673878 lb
Watched that video. Jones is really pissed that Anons interpreted Qs drop re paytriots, watch who you follow as making him a traitor.
Jones maintains that he still has comms with POTUS.
Jones never said he was interviewing Q. He did interview that captain/co-author of the Q book. Jones promised to read the book and to have the Anon back on his show for an hour at least and maybe more. Jones and that attorney that was there remain sceptical of Q.
Mentioned how he let Corsi run with Q story but how it ended up biting him in the ass with credibility. He is currently on the outs with Corsi.
Jones is definitely on the defensive. Said people are calling him traitor and he is pissed. Wants to clear the air. Notes his 20-yr opposition to the deeps state and his support of POTUS.
There will be a follow up vid.
But definitely noone stated direct comms with Q.