Anonymous ID: c8150a June 4, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6674335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Clinton-Appointed Judge Reverses Course, Covers For Deep State – Will Keep Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts Hidden From Public


Judge Emmet Sullivan, a Clinton-appointee, reversed course on Tuesday and allowed the Justice Department to keep the transcripts of the calls between General Mike Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak hidden from the public.


Judge Sullivan last month ordered the transcripts of the recorded calls between Flynn and Kislyak to be released by last Friday, but federal prosecutors defied the judge’s orders.


Docket Text: MINUTE ORDER as to MICHAEL T. FLYNN. The government is hereby ORDERED to file on the public docket in this case the transcript of the “voicemail recording” referenced in the [75] Addendum to Government’s Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing and the transcripts of any other audio recordings of Mr. Flynn, including, but not limited to, audio recordings of Mr. Flynn’s conversations with Russian officials, by no later than May 31, 2019. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the government shall submit to Chambers audio versions of the recordings on a DVD by no later than May 31, 2019. Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on 5/16/2019.


Last Friday, federal prosecutors refused to release the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts, arguing that the government “is not relying on any other recordings, of any person, for purposes of establishing the defendant’s guilt or determining his sentencing, nor are there any other recordings that are part of the sentencing record.”


On Tuesday, Judge Sullivan said he accepted the government’s argument to keep the Flynn-Kislyak transcripts under wraps.


Ironically, these are the very transcripts that were already selectively leaked to David Ignatius of the Washington Post in January of 2017 — this illegal leak to WaPo ultimately led to Flynn’s firing.


But now the government wants to keep the full transcripts a secret — obviously they are hiding information that could be a game changer for Flynn.


Recall, on Friday evening, Deep State Federal prosecutors released the full transcript from President Trump’s attorneys to General Michael Flynn’s attorneys.


Mueller and Weissmann used the phone call as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion witch hunt.


After the call was released several internet sleuths compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report.


Robert Mueller and his hitman Andrew Weissmann manipulated the transcript and lied about the call.


On Monday former Trump Attorney John Dowd joined Sean Hannity to discuss the recent revelations that the Mueller Report lied about his call to General Flynn’s attorneys.


John Dowd told Sean the entire Mueller Report is a fraud.


And John Dowd pointed out that the Mueller Team indicted Trump associates for far less than their manipulated and false statements in their report.


The government’s abuse and targeting of General Mike Flynn should scare every American. Given the manipulation of Dowd’s conversation with Kelner, the government is most likely hiding the truth about Flynn’s calls with Kislyak which is why they are fiercely fighting to keep them concealed.

Anonymous ID: c8150a June 4, 2019, 7:50 p.m. No.6674356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4364 >>4425 >>4452 >>4627 >>4815 >>4883

California And Nevada Have Been Hit By 240 Earthquakes Over The Last 24 Hours


As reported earlier Former British spy and author of the 35-page, Hillary-funded junk Russia dossier Christopher Steele, has agreed to be questioned by US investigators, reported Fox News.


Last week it was reported that Christopher Steele, who was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to compile a 35-page dossier smearing Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election is refusing to cooperate with US Attorney John Durham in his investigation into the origins of Spygate.


Attorney General Bill Barr and US Attorney John Durham are currently conducting an inter-agency investigation into the origins of Spygate.


Hillary Clinton hid her payments to Steele by paying him through Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the DNC during the 2016 presidential election.


Steele worked as a CHS [Confidential Human Source] for the FBI while simultaneously working for oppo research firm Fusion GPS to compile a 35-page dossier full of lies against Donald Trump, using his “Russian” intel sources.


Even though the FBI terminated Christopher Steele, he continued to feed the US government information through DOJ official Bruce Ohr who was acting as a backchannel to the FBI.


The FBI ultimately used the phony, Hillary-funded salacious dossier to obtain a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page in order to spy on Trump during the 2016 election.


The main reason why Steele was willing to cooperate with the IG is because Horowitz has no teeth — he cannot impanel a grand jury — he can only criminally refer people to the DOJ.


In contrast, Durham’s investigation spans across multiple intel agencies and he has the power to convene a grand jury.


Now this…

On Tuesday night former US Attorney Joe diGenova told Sean Hannity that Christopher Steele will be interviewed by US Attorney John Durham.


Joe diGenova: Well, he obviously made a strategic decision because he’s going to be interviewed by John Durham. It’s not the inspector general from the Department of Justice who is going to talk to him. Because he doesn’t have any reason to talk to Mr. Horowitz. He’s going to talk to John Durham and his people. So there’s obviously been some sort of deal that’s been worked out. This is great news… I assume he’s going to tell the truth now because this is the big casino now. And what he’s going to prove is the FBI lied in the FISA warrants, and they lied to Congress and they lied to everybody about what they knew about Steele’s behavior.

Anonymous ID: c8150a June 4, 2019, 8:16 p.m. No.6674599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Founded in 1929 as the Australian Broadcasting Company, the ABC was a Government licensed consortium of private entertainment and content providers, authorised under supervision to broadcast on the airwaves using a two-tiered system. The "A" system derived its funds primarily from the licence fees levied on the purchasers of the radio receivers, with an emphasis on building the radio wave infrastructure into regional and remote areas, whilst the "B" system relied on privateers and their capacity to establish viable enterprises using the new technology. Following the general downward economic trends of the era, as entrepreneurial ventures in National infrastructure struggled with viability, the "Company" was subsequently acquired to become a fully state-owned corporation on 1 July 1932 and renamed as Australian Broadcasting Commission, re-aligning more closely to the British, BBC model.

Anonymous ID: c8150a June 4, 2019, 8:19 p.m. No.6674648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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