>>6673824 LB
There's that concrete thing again… they just gotta get it in there.
>>6673824 LB
There's that concrete thing again… they just gotta get it in there.
I asked a fren why the Middle District of Florida (Jacksonville) had such low numbers and he said it had to do with the way the US Attorney files his cases. He explained it, but it was boring federal criminal administrative procedures… in other words, the numbers should be higher. You can then infer that if a portion of the cases in the other districts are related, but filed directly or whatever way keeps them off of this list, then the actual numbers are even higher. Somebody's been really busy.
Let's hope his cell phone was on..
Did someone say Make it rain!?
Not storm related, IIRC…moar about cabal finding out who the whistleblower is that's outing the Defense Minister for war crimes in AFG.. So, cabal raid, not good guys..
Needs Uncle Joe sniffin'
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