pretty flashy for meh, people are reading and thinking and waiting
noice meme though
but but he's double numbers in NC, the election is already wonโฆ..
nate silver bullshit
I called it flashy, maybe a bit daft, tried to find a book I read years ago about the khazars, was translated from Russian, not even all of it at the time, it had been banned, I picked it up when I was reading Solzhenitsyn, author was from much earlier iirc, history is good to reread
LMAO hard to believe a real person found that funny or sexy
should send that to Silver as a reminder his numbers are off
sure, kek, not
I did well in biology and chemistry
prayed for that D+ in physics, could do the math, got caught doing math for lab partner who understood the concepts, we were kangz! as long as worked together, prof didn't see it that way
lord, I can't imagine having filled my circuits with all that concept to wake up and learn it's al "fractal" and anit-matter, it woud be like me going to work on an alien body without organs or skin, a big wtf moment, I've watched some movies and read things I've seen here and it makes sense, I'm not sure I could do the math anymore but it's good to know what it true, I understand electriciy so Tesla makes sense, still not any other but bio though
and yet, material is neither good or evil, it is the free will of the material that turns it up or down, specifically beings
it was some poor woman before it had a clinton head, can't imagine anyone doing it for kekes, just sayin
could an ugly meme get any uglier, I guess so
that's what tripped it up for me, that a real person would even consider it, never considered looking for sex organs, not even for the lulz, just let it be female for killary, it's a good meme with her head on it though, sick but funny with her