Damn! Nice catch anon
Special Place
… "Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?"
Keep watching for comms that "highlight drops"
Hmm 5:5… 5pm or 5am on the 5th? Just another alignment to watch for.
Never go full retard.
Fair. It will almost surely be something deeper.
I wonder what modern analogies to the old Catholic confessional might exist?
Catholic priests probably used the secrets they learned to control some people.
Who do people "confess" their weaknesses to in modern times?
Tax people
Any of those providing services to people in power/money/media/government "could" be comped.
Didn't Q say that seconds would not be used for comms? Minutes and higher only, right?
Reptilians and Jews are different things bro. Are you saying they are the same?? Am I misunderstanding you?
Anon bro I'm very aware there is some messed up shit out there and have much more first-hand spiritual knowledge than the average white boy.
And my dad was in the Air Force Human Reliability Program: https://www.energy.gov/ehss/human-reliability-program-handbook
He had Q clearance too and I've heard a few things.
But the effort of some to smear Jews and claim they are basically the same thing as the Cabal… is serious disinformation. Want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding you.
Not sure where you got that image from. Just because it supports your case doesn't mean it's authentic.
Open it up in Photoshop and zoom way in. It's not even a good Photoshop job.
Logically this is the same as the Climate Nazis constantly trying to prove their case with fake data. If you believe what you are saying, why use obviously fake images to prove your point?
Much of that is true, and much of that is clouded by "controlled opposition"… false CIA programs that push out some crazy shit to obscure and cast doubt on the true shit.
People have been trying to open portals to let beings in that don't belong here for a long time. True purpose of Tower of Babel…
I have a little different take on the "royals are not completely human thing".
Ties in with Anunnaki, the long skulls, etc. The "elite bloodlines" are the crossbreeds that earlier revolts didn't completely manage to kill off. The different lines contain fragmented portions of the "pure DNA" they hope to restore. All the inbreeding was designed to keep their lines as pure as possible until modern science came along. Call them ETs, demons, whatever… they have their own prophecies and knew technology (Age of Aquarius) was coming.
Now they used modern genetics to try and find all of the fragmented DNA code in the hopes of restoring the "pure hybrids". They stupidly believe the ETs that this is a good thing and will restore them to the powers and inheritance that are rightly theirs to possess. But the truth is… such bodies are really just ideal hosts for the entities that want to come into our space.
Almost everything else is disinformation to manipulate mankind towards assembling this DNA and bringing back the old "pure elite" lines.
Will he depart London with POTUS on AF1…?
Reminds me of PrayingMedic saying he had a dream and warning POTUS not to depart with anybody new on the plane. Did I recall that correctly?
I say Kek to such a dream. POTUS knows what he's doing.
For the record… I don't believe this. But I do think "they" believe something like this. It explains many of their Masonic/Atlantean/Rosicrucian beliefs and customs.
Could be the trigger… lines up with so many things.
Safer to go into overdrive releasing things with JA in hand.
Was not me, but please share the advice you received as a way of honoring the one why gave it to you?
Very happy for you anon.
it's called brainstorming asshole.
>>they were… on purpose. Shills.
Seriously… FU. What a divisionfag you are.
I merely thought it sounded cool. You call me a shill for brainstorming?? wtf. kys
Thank you.
I have experienced similar by asking for abundance to help others via a job training school I started. When I began focussing on finding the resources (with real intent) for this purpose things started happening like crazy.
Amazing journey of being led day by day to find the things I needed.
Makes me wonder if it's a coincidence that JA health is failing. Maybe he wasn't really getting the honest/best care. Necessary to expedite getting him into patriot hands and real medical attention before we lose him?