Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.6676030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6126 >>6307 >>6386 >>6444

Notables/News Germany fighting back.


AfD demands Hizbollah ban in Germany


The largest German opposition party AfD (Alternative for Germany) is introducing a bill to ban radical Islamic terror organization Hizbollah in Germany this Thursday. Vice AfD faction speaker Beatrix von Storch presented the bill at a press conference today in the German Bundestag.


The EU has classified Hizbollah as a terrorist organization. Hizbollah is also outlawed in the United States, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Japan and Israel. In Germany, however, Hizbollah maintains its main foreign bank account with the city-owned Municipal Bank of Bremen, approx. 950 Hizbollah activists collect donations for the terror group in Germany, as Jerusalem Post reporter Benjamin Weinthal found.


“Hizbollah abuses German NGO law, finances terrorism by means of illegal drug and arms deals, and fights for the destruction of Jews and Israel, which you could witness last Saturday at the Al Quds march in Berlin and nationwide, where they even chant ‘Gas the Zionists’ on the streets of Germany,“ said AfD faction secretary Bernd Baumann at the press conference on June 4. “This must stop.” Many of the Arab clans which dominate the German underworld and intimidate Berlin police are Lebanese in origin.


Vice AfD Bundestag speaker Beatrix von Storch, who drafted the bill, demanded “Hizbollah must be banned in Germany” and urged the Berlin government to explore all legal means of doing so: “Hizbollah is a terrorist organization. The Berlin government claims you must distinguish between a legitimate, political wing of Hizbollah and a terrorist wing. This does not make sense to us, or the voters.”


German administrative high court had made clear that terrorist groups can be outlawed even if their funding does not flow directly into military or terrorist activities, Von Storch said, noting that Article 9 of the German constitution prohibits “organizations which oppose the peaceful coexistence of peoples.” There could be “no reasonable doubt” Hizbollah does so, said Von Storch. “Hizbollah’s goal is the destruction of Israel and the Jews, and we should not be offering a safe haven for them to hide in Germany and finance their armed struggle in Lebanon against Israel from our territory.”


The chairman of the German Jewish Council Josef Schuster, who has often been very critical of the AfD and even accused the right-wing party of anti-Semitism, also demanded a Hizbollah ban on May 27, as did left-wing Berlin Interior Senator Andreas Geisel June 1. The bill will be debated in the Bundestag on Thursday at 2:30 pm, forcing the ruling parties to decide whether to vote with the AfD, or for Hizbollah. “I am very curious to see what excuses they come up with,” said Von Storch.


On May 17, the AfD tabled a motion to outlaw anti-Israel BDS organizations in Germany, forcing the ruling parties to introduce their own, watered-down anti-BDS bill with no outright ban on BDS organizations. All German party foundations except the AfD support BDS organizations, NGO Monitor has reported.


Even the most doubtful myopic negative Nancy can see the tide is finally beginning to change. At last. Thank God.

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 1:44 a.m. No.6676048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6060



Massive crowd in the UK chants We Love Trump


Trump is indeed a global phenomenon. The mainstream (fake) media would have you believe that Trump is universally despised by the British people. Nothing could be further from the truth. To the patriotic Brits who are desperate for freedom Trump represents hope.


The British patriots yearn for the Britain of old. They yearn for the Britain of Churchill and Thatcher. They yearn for the Britain before the totalitarian EU. They yearn for the Britain before Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, and of course they yearn for the Britain before jihad immigration.


Britain’s next election may be the last opportunity for the British people to take their country back from the totalitarian and corrupt elites.


Pro and anti-Donald Trump protesters have clashed during a march from Trafalgar Square to Parliament in central London.


A small group of supporters of the US president found themselves surrounded by demonstrators in Whitehall.


Police intervened and pulled the pro-Trump group into a nearby pub for their own safety as cries of “Nazi scum off our streets” rang out.


They have since barricaded the small counter-protest group in the Lord Moon of the Mall pub as thousands of demonstrators continue to stream down Whitehall.


Police officers outside the pub told The Independent around 20 pro-Trump supporters are still being held inside and that the incident was the result of a “verbal disagreement”.

No arrests have been made, they said.


Around a dozen Met policemen and women were still guarding the door at the time of writing along with members of the pub’s security team.


Further down Whitehall, another small group of Trump supporters, one of whom was wearing a “Free Tommy” badge, in reference to Tommy Robinson, complained about the media coverage of Tuesday’s protests.


Compared to the pathetic tiny anti-Trump visits, the pro=Trump crowds were friendly, passionate and in far greater numbers & of many ages and color.

Wait 'til we see what POTUS has set off in the UK.

Surely they are next for the blessing!

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.6676061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6072

Racist. Traitor & Supporter of Terrorist groups Corbyn. FACT.


Jihad loving, Socialist agitator Jeremy 'look like a pedo schoolmaster' Corbyn will never lead the UK.

He has never been as disliked by the great people of the ever awakening UK as he is now.

His past will very soon be coming back to bite him on his seditious butt for sure.


Corbyn. Enemy of the UK. Socialist/Terrorist agent & supporter good riddance!

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 1:56 a.m. No.6676076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Space Force News




The Senate Armed Services Committee’s (SASC’s) nomination hearing this morning was a friendly affair. Chris Scolese, nominee to be the next Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, and Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, nominee to be Commander of U.S. Space Command and remain as Commander of Air Force Space Command, assured the committee that the organizations will continue to have strong working relationships under their leadership.


The question on the minds of many SASC members was how to ensure that the three organizations — the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Air Force Space Command (AFSC), and the reestablished U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM) — will work together effectively.


Raymond said the AFSC/NRO relationship has never been better, characterizing it as a “unity of effort.” Asked how often they meet, he said it is not a matter of saying “let’s have a meeting.” Instead “we talk routinely every second of the day” and have developed a joint strategy and Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and share programs.


Scolese is the first NRO Director nominee to require Senate confirmation pursuant to the 2014 Intelligence Authorization Act. NRO builds and operates the nation’s spy satellites. He agreed that his understanding is that the two work very well together and committed to ensuring that continues.


He currently is Director of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. SASC member Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), who also is the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Commerce-Justice-Science subcommittee that funds NASA, asked Scolese what lessons were learned from two “large, complex” space programs that went “out of control” — the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Scolese replied that in 2010 when he was NASA Chief Engineer he looked in detail at what was causing overruns and schedule delays and developed nine guidelines that were used on subsequent programs that have performed much better.


Scolese’s nomination must be approved by the Senate Intelligence Committee as well as SASC. At his May 1 nomination hearing before the Intelligence Committee, he emphatically agreed with committee members that NRO should not be incorporated into the Space Force. SASC Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-OK) asked him today how he could make such a definitive statement when the details of the Space Force were not known at that time. SASC agreed to create a Space Force that is somewhat different from what the Pentagon proposed in its version of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act on May 23. The House has not acted yet.


Scolese replied that his comments were in keeping with Space Policy Directive-4, which states that the NRO will not be part of the Space Force, but also requires the Secretary of Defense and Director of National Intelligence to provide a report on how they will collaborate. That appeared to satisfy Inhofe.


Raymond is already a four-star General and Commander of AFSC, but must be reconfirmed for both of those positions in addition to the new job of USSPACECOM commander. He also currently is the Joint Force Space Component Commander under U.S. Strategic Command. It is that position which is being elevated to Commander of USSPACECOM. Under the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act, the Services organize, train and equip military forces, while the 11 (including USSPACECOM) geographical and functional combatant commands have control of joint military forces. Thus Raymond already has responsibility both for the organize, train and equip function wearing his Air Force hat and warfighting with his Joint Force hat. That will remain if he is confirmed as USSPACECOM Commander.

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.6676085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6165

Notes/News for those who like this advanced tec Pretty far out anons!


Developing and Deploying DE Capabilities to Meet Emerging National Security Needs


IDGA’s 4th Annual Directed Energy Systems Summit will provide a means to discuss the ongoing efforts to develop and deploy directed energy systems in support of U.S. national security priorities and battlefield superiority.


Directed Energy systems and weapons offer a unique response to rapidly emerging global threats, one that has grown in popularity across the Services, DoD, and the Federal Government. As a force multiplier, DE weapons and systems offer numerous capabilities and applications across a multitude of operating environments, and at this summit, you will have the opportunity to learn more about DoD and Military Service roadmaps, the role of DE for national security, future force development, to include DE solutions for the warfighter, acquisition priorities, and more.


Join IDGA’s 4th Annual Directed Energy Systems Summit for the unique opportunity to collaborate and network with key leaders, solutions providers, and subject matter experts across the DE industry.

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6676102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107 >>6126 >>6307 >>6386 >>6444



Fort Benning Army Base being considered to house illegal immigrant children: HHS


Fort Benning in Georgia is being considered as a possible temporary emergency shelter for the influx of unaccompanied immigrant children who have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border this year, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said on Tuesday.


The Department has requested that a site assessment of unused Defense Department (DoD) property be conducted at Fort Benning Army Base, an HHS spokesperson said, in order to determine its potential use as a temporary emergency shelter.


HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is faced with a dramatic spike in the number of unaccompanied alien children (UAC), receiving referrals of nearly 41,000 UAC in fiscal year 2019 alone – an increase over fiscal year 2018 by about 57 percent, the HHS spokesperson said.


“If this rate of referrals continues, ORR will care for the largest number of UAC in the program’s history in FY 2019. Based on the anticipated growth pattern in referrals of UAC […], ORR is preparing for the need for high bed capacity to continue,” the spokesperson noted.


Fort Benning is home to approximately 120,000 active duty service members and their families, and sees reserve soldiers, retirees and civilian employees through its gates on a daily basis. Fort Benning has served has Home of the Infantry since 1909. It is home of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, the U.S. Army Armor School, U.S. Army Infantry School, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment, among other units.


“DoD officials will join the HHS staff as they tour the vacant property available for potential future use. HHS will make the determination if the site will be used for UAC operations,” the spokesperson said, adding, “This effort will have no impact on DoD’s ability to conduct its primary missions nor on military readiness. HHS use of vacant DoD facilities is on a fully-reimbursable basis under the provisions of the Economy Act. The DoD has been an exemplary partner in this humanitarian crisis and we look forward to their continued partnership as we develop efficient, cost-effective strategies to address these types of variations in border crossings by unaccompanied children.”


It was reported in mid-May that An Air Force base in Montana and an Army base in Oklahoma were being considered to serve as a temporary shelter for unaccompanied illegal immigrant children, HHS had said.


The Department of Defense was going to asses unused space at both Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, and Army base Fort Sill in Oklahoma.


HHS noted that “[c]hildren age 17 and under who are unaccompanied by parents or other legal guardians and who have no lawful immigration status in the United States and [are] apprehended by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are transferred to the care and custody of ORR.”


“ORR is legally required to provide for the care and custody of all UAC referred to ORR until they are released to appropriate sponsors, usually a parent or relative, while their immigration cases proceed,” HHS added.


I guess that's the safest place for the children and for the public too… Agreed?

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 2:15 a.m. No.6676123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6137 >>6241



WATCH: 180k gather in Hong Kong to honor 30th anniversary of Tiananmen Square killings


Approximately 180,000 were estimated to be in attendance in Hong Kong for a candlelight vigil to commemorate the hundreds to thousands estimated to have been killed by the Chinese military 30 years ago, Hong Kong Free Press reported.


Huge crowds turned out for a mass candlelight vigil in Hong Kong on Tuesday evening marking 30 years since China’s bloody Tiananmen crackdown, a gathering tinged with symbolism as the city struggles to preserve its own cherished freedoms.


The eye-catching spectacle — in which tens of thousands of Hong Kongers clutched candles, sang defiant songs and listened to emotional speeches — is the only place in China where such commemorations can be safely held.


The semi-autonomous financial hub has hosted an annual vigil every year since tanks and soldiers smashed into protesters near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989 — an illustration of the city’s unusual freedoms and vibrant political scene.


Organised by a group of veteran democracy activists, the vigil demands justice for victims and for China to embrace democracy.


Anons send their thoughts and prayers. We will not forget.

Anonymous ID: 9a5dee June 5, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.6676189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6203 >>6239

==LIVE. US President Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth attend D-Day commemoration–


Live YT link for the event from Euro News if any anons want here.


Just seen her Maj arriving in the area with a jolly nice hat in her car.

Crowds gathering, dignitaries and spitfire planes too.