Leader of Mexican Church La Luz Del Mundo Charged With Child Rape, Human Trafficking in SoCal
Leader of Mexican Church La Luz Del Mundo Charged With Child Rape, Human Trafficking in SoCal
Former Arkansas State Senator Found Dead From Apparent Gunshot Wound
NHS worker apologises for shouting 'Nazi scum' at a Donald Trump supporter who was doused in milkshake at London protest
No one pays attention to her so it doesn't matter what she does.
Remember, Meg and Sadiq are "people of color", so how dare GEOTUS speak to/at them?!
Same with the EU.
If the US wanted to, we could hold the everyone whose currency is based on the petrodollar hostage.
Crash the US, crash the World.
That was a main part of their plan to get things rolling.
And you read that right. I meant just to get started.
Watch the Water to see who/what washes up?
veeeeery nice
When confronted with the world's most punchable face; that man showed the restraint of a saint.
#NotHisQueen #YesHisPresident
Pretty sure Nadler said that directly.
That they need to convince people "about the facts" that impeachment needs to habben, which is why they need to have hearings, investigations, and subpoenas.
Granted, what he's saying is that they don't have the facts, so they're just trying to buy time by saying it's there if only they could be allowed a chance to find it and change hearts'n'minds.