>>6675765 {cover themselves with gold}
what's with the evil TEETH?
cannibalism {root word: CAIN, EVIL one's brother in arms}
kuru real-ated symtoms
participate and enforce child sacrifices
The IMAGE of SNAKE head EYES {mayan, aztec} & others? >>6675826
Synagogue of SATAN {found and described by The Creator's SON}
"den of Vipers" {reptilians} called out, in the LAND of JEWS in ancient days {history}
{NOTE: this is not to smear jews, but those in DARKNESS who say they are, but are hypocrites /*\ LIARS in The mirrOR}
and continues throughout the world, until "T" {time! HIS TIME Clock, not any mans! but ONE};
stage will be set when "The SON of PERDITION {lawless one} is revealed {that's PATRIOTS Duty!}
Come out of The DARK frens, step into the LIGHT, do RIGHT! tick tock …
The Question:
Where does SAFETY come FROM?
>>6675808, >>6675898, >>6676036