yeh but we're not exactly dealing with the smartest of people here…
there are people who don't understand what 'hook line and sinker' really means..
there are new eyes here who HAVE NOT SEEN THE TRUTHS OF GOD'S WORD, and it is mainly up to me to be able to point that light in the direction it should be facing…
there are a bunch of hateful carnal fleshballs here who only see the emotional side of things, never considering the OPERATION and the fact that we only have 18 more months to pull this off…
so I have to stick my neck out there waiting for the goldfish brained people (maybe I'm talking about you) to take a nibble at it.
we have to TEACH these children how to carry themselves with confidence and excellence..because hiding behind an anonymous mask just ISN'T THE MOVE.
staying in fear is OPPOSITE of the goal, so get with the program, kid.
we don't wanna look dumb and stupid.. these are HISTORY BOKS, whether you believe it or not.