Anonymous ID: 2a71ac June 5, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.6676615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654 >>6711

>>6676475 (pb)

I'm just trying to connect these nagging dots, anon, which my gut tells me want to be connected badly. The Pineal secrets DMT (the Spirit Molecule) which also happens to be the prime constituent of Ayahuasca. DMT is also thought to be secreted heavily during times of tremendous stress, abuse or any life threatening situation. It is also produced during meditation. It is thought to be the cause of astral projection, out of body experiences, remote viewing and other psi-related phenomena.


It is also thought to be produced during Near Death Experiences which a multitude of individuals have described similarly down to the tunnel with light at the end, meeting loved ones who had passed and even meeting God or the Source. Those survivors tell of being told that they "had to go back" as their mission (while wearing their "earth suits) wasn't over or being given a choice of staying or going back. They talk of being shown their "life reviews", not only every decision they made in life but in alternative timelines as well. Most intriguing, they also describe the place where this all takes place as the most beautiful beyond description and a feeling of being loved a zillion degrees more then ever before and a feeling of "being home" a zillion degrees more, etc. They are also shown the contract that they entered when they agreed to be born. Each picks where and to whom they are born and know what they need to do during their lifetimes. They next remember being resuscitated in hospital or at the scene of a horrific accident. Many have described seeing the doctors working on their bodies while watching from above. One even related seeing a file on top of a cabinet which had been misplaced by hospital staff. Others describe the conversations the doctors and nurses were having. I could go on and on but the point is this: There is a portal through which we pass (to another, other dimensions) and it is believed that the Pineal and DMT plays the major role.


It is also why mothers can lift cars off their trapped children and also helps a severely abused child stay sane by allowing for dissociation outside their own bodies. The Pineal pumps out extreme quantities of DMT into the bloodstream during ALL these events. It is my belied that it is this DMT-laden blood that (((they))) crave and that "adrenochrome" is just a red herring. Remember the Wiki Stratfor email where that one skitzo kids talks about smoking another dude's Pineal as away of owning him? Perhaps these DS creeps have all had their own Pineals removed in order to be enslaved. Could this be why they they are pedovorves and traumatize their young victims so? Remember that PG drawing on the prone child floating up and disappearing while being "zapped" by the adults around it? Could this be the real secret behind "spirit cooking"?


I'm just reeling off a lot of stuff we've all been exposed to over the last few years with the exception of my own consciousness studies info which I believe relates to all this evil shit we're seeing. I know that many folks believe that (((they))) have been trying for a long time to de-activate or calcify (with fluoride, etc.) the Pineals of all the sheeple.


Jeez, all of the above certainly may seem deranged but much of it is what I personally know to be true. Take it FWIW, anons. Bless.

Anonymous ID: 2a71ac June 5, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6676923   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You've already made the biggest step, anon. But don't be desperate about it as that will just slow the process. The truth is on this board and as long as you improve your ability to discern what's true and what isn't here, you'll do fine. Being over sixty, it was quite a realization to accept that I've learned more about everything over the last few years than I had for over half a century. But during that time, there was something, like a splinter in my mind telling me that things were not as they appeared. See Morpheus' first talk with Neo in The Matrix.