Were 2 of those (You)'s getting BTFO by Q? Kek!
I see (You) bragging a lot about your 7 (You)'s ….I dont think that is how this works. I am an asshole and complete dick… but I dont brag on the boards about (You)'s
I have doxxed myself IRL on many levels… dont underestimate this Anon. Under heavy pressure from all directions for quite some time.
You said one day.. "being a Marine its difficult to be humble"… (close enough)
I need to work on being more humble but its difficult walking around with all the sleeping normies IRL…
The only thing that matters… God wins!
Why are you not the trip? Or are you?
Overall.. I am grateful. I get caught up in Life's melodramas. My human shell/brain/blinders still get in the way sometimes.. I am only human right now.