Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 5:29 a.m. No.6676595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6750

>>6676479 (pb)

Shills may also simply grab the most outrageous thing to discredit the movement.


Also includes not landing on the moon.

What I mean is of course at the very least that the moon landing footage is fake. What happened in secret is another matter.


I personally keep my mind open for the possibility. And I know for sure that almost everyone got fed lies in school. That certain things that people were told are not part of reality.


Also I'm at least quite certain that Loretta Fuddy is still alive (hopefully), otherwise documenting the whole plane crash and then publishing it on the news (with a diver being visible at the crash site) would not make any sense.


Q team surely has a few aces up their sleeves, that will shock almost everyone.


I personally even wish it was actually true. It would be something to wake tons of people up.

Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.6676781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6794



>your own eyes?

In what regard?

What would a telescope help me in regard of the moon landing FOOTAGE?


Even if I could myself check for some flag on the moon RIGHT NOW - which I can't, then that still would not be proof that the moon landing FOOTAGE as everyone saw it was actually real.

Think logically.

Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 6:31 a.m. No.6676818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6826 >>6834 >>6852 >>7142


A tiny telescope, that I could buy, is incapable of showing me the American flag on the moon.

Show me one. My budget is let's say $100.


And I don't like repeating myself:

Even if I could verify the flag to be on the moon somewhere, then that would still not be proof that the moon landing FOOTAGE was real.

That would simply show me that somehow a flag got put up there.

Could have been done at a later date.

Could have been done with robots.


Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.6676876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904 >>6925 >>6940 >>6996 >>7007


My post was always about the moon landing FOOTAGE.

If you are incapable of reading posts written in simple English…


I even added that there could have been actual moon landings in the meantime, done in secret.


But once again - show me a telescope for $100 that is capable of showing me the American flag on the moon.

And once more - even if that was possible (which it isn't), then that would still not be proof that the moon landing footage was real.


If you are some normie, who somehow found this board, then better look up on the

Van Allen belts and NASA saying that this is somehow a big problem nowadays.

On NASA "accidentally" deleting the original magnetic tapes.

NASA's foundation being Operation Paperclip Nazis.

NASA giving out fake moon rocks.

And NASA also destroying all the stuff they made for the so called moon landing, which was insanely expensive.



NASA is a scam.

That's obvious to anyone who simply looks at what they are telling everyone.

Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.6676957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983


>but the actual footage?

>not possible.

You can't even verify the original footage anymore, because NASA destroyed it.

Intentionally destroyed it. kek

Weird, isn't it.

Very weird.


>why destroy these archaic monstrosities indeed?

Part of history, you silly goose.

And it was crazy expensive.

NASA is incapable of funding a warehouse somewhere and keep that historic stuff?

People preserve stuff that is worth way less.


>muh computing was extremely expensive

I know.

Had one of the first IBM xts some time later.

As a matter of fact, I preserved that one. I could have bought a car or 2 instead back then.


What's your point?

NASA is incapable of funding a warehouse somewhere?


>incapable of the math required

What you are talking is theory.

Math doesn't make radiation go away, you know Van Allen radiation belts - that's NASAs huge problem nowadays, and somehow back then they simply "did it somehow".


You make as much sense as NASA.

Zero sense.

Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.6677013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7019 >>7020 >>7073


>where is your warehouse for your used IBM?

I don't need a warehouse for my IBM computer.

I have it at home.

>you still use it?

No, but I keep it anyways, because of its value to me personally.


You are implying that people throwing old computers out is somehow the same as NASA throwing out literally everything regarding the so called "moon landing"?


That's like saying throwing away the Mona Lisa is fine because it's just some old trash painting.




btw. Why wouldn't you throw away the declaration of independence?

It's just some words on some paper.

Paper is not the latest iPhone, so totally obsolete.

Who writes on paper?

Just enter those words in a computer and off you go.

That's literally your zero sense "logic".


btw. you still haven't shown me the telescope for $100 that is capable of showing me the American flag on the moon.


Anonymous ID: ac3481 June 5, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.6677037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where can I get this so called "powerful telescope"?

How much is it?

$1 million?

$100 million?


Do you own one?

Can I have a photo of it?

plus with timestamp.


>so the

Was never my argument, silly goose.

My argument was everything NASA is saying combined regarding moon landing obviously fake money making scheme.


I wonder what they did with all that money…

Probably Nazi things.