Anonymous ID: acaa09 June 5, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.6676612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're already divided, cuck.

Rich people still ruling over poor people then blaming everything on those said poor people as if it's their fault for not being born into a rich bloodline.

People like you only stifle logical and fair debate to fix a broken system.

Let me guess, "get a better job!" right? Kek! Who's going to pay my bills while I try to locate a better job as that takes a 4-year(at least) degree to do so these days?

How will my relocation expenses be covered while I have to move to a bigger area to get that better job?

I guess if I were a jew, I could just make up a story about how my grandfather died in the holohoax and make a shitload of money out of falsely constructed sympathy like so many do.

Prove it? Oh, his body(or ashes, top kek) were never found so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Getting a 4-year degree = going massively in debt, just to maybe get a well-paying job if it's not already occupied and maybe pay off that debt in 15-20 years.

Oh wait, already in muh 30's, 40's? Fuck, guess it's just too late for us. Just continue to be a wage slave. Ah fuck again, smoke weed because you've got to numb yourself to the bullshit and physical pain of working a wage slave job and leave it for a better one? You gotta piss in a cup so while you're waiting, just lose everything you've worked for. Fuck it, be an hero!

Anonymous ID: acaa09 June 5, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.6676672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mostly right.

If those in the cult are not actual blood related, they are serving as their useful idiot(think Jay-Z/Beyonce) to push their sick agendas such as dumbing down the populace through their shitty music and telling whites that they HAVE to associate with blacks or be labeled as rayciss, etc and have their social credit scored ruined, essentially fucking them over for the rest of their life. They've been initiated through some sort of sacrifice(which requires having a close loved one killed or do something humiliating/sick on camera) so their every public/political move can be controlled.

Princess Di was murdered by "the establishment", most likely ordered by Prince Philip himself and carried out by SAS, because she found out their dirty secrets of human sacrifice/trafficking and organ harvesting and was trying to flee to Pakistan using the Saudi Royals as cover. Whether she was going to spill the beans or not is unknown but the Royals weren't going to take that chance, obviously.

Anonymous ID: acaa09 June 5, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.6677181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am blessed

Well, good for you. So are others who hit the lottery, or for the female variety - can just become the "trophy wife" of some rich guy who played the corrupt system from using known contacts on the inside or from "frenz" he went to school/college with putting in a "good word" for him.

Not everyone is that lucky. Millions of people work long hours, have sacrificed endless hours of their life, and still continue to be kicked while down.

Imagine if "free energy" were to be rolled out; that alone would eliminate so much of the corruption.

The truth is, the way the system is, without poor people propping up the rich by slaving away at mundane jobs it just wouldn't work.

Have worked hard for many years, sacrificed health, family, relationships, all for trying to get "leg up" in the 'game' to better myself and position in life only to be kicked back down again for past mistakes as a kid.

A lesser person probably would have ended it by now but anon keeps pushing forward in hopes for a better world where people don't have to be slaves anymore while filthy rich, so-called "elites" control every aspect of our lives.

Nevertheless, enjoy your day.

Anonymous ID: acaa09 June 5, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.6677255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone else notice new shows and big time YT channels are starting to push what is talked about here?

Very first show of the new season of Ancient Aliens was about Antarctica - one example.