> Most atheists I know are really decent human beings
The atheists I know are atheists because of their compassion for people in suffering. How's that for and eye opener? You're not going to convince some of these people that an all knowing, all loving God set all of this up to teach souls cosmic lessons for all eternity. Walking through a children's cancer ward is sufficient for some to step back and ask "WTF? Wait…" Imagine the shocking revelation that atheists aren't bad people, but instead, very compassionate. Sure, there are those that aren't, and they often fall for meme political positions, but that doesn't mean they don't have their hearts in the right place, sometimes.
Regardless, service to others to a fault is not healthy, either. One has to take care of their own self, too.
>Helping others doesn't pay the bills.
Correct, but that's not what it's about, in the end. I tell people to get yourself in a position where you can help others financially, and helping others doesn't always mean financially. It can mean, simply, giving of yourself to help others – self-sacrifice. That really is the entire point behind Christ's teachings.
>I imagine you have a nice house, car, etc.
I am blessed, but it didn't come without some sacrifices. Sometimes, you are taken to a place that is 1500 miles away from your entire support system to keep pressing forward in your own path in life. Getting outside of your comfort zone can be very rewarding, and is almost always a bit on the scary side of things. Gotta walk in faith. Faith without works is dead.
>Probably even a retirement package too.
Not really, no, but I have my own ideas on how that all works anyway.
Don't give up on love, anons. It's the most important commodity we have.