>Sorcha has lots of good stuff.
WTF is all this recent pushing Sucha Faail, the most well known Clownglownigga?
And the captcha is only lacking the S at the end.
>Sorcha has lots of good stuff.
WTF is all this recent pushing Sucha Faail, the most well known Clownglownigga?
And the captcha is only lacking the S at the end.
>Wonderful “contraposto” pose by Flotus. It is a classic pose like Michelangelo’s “David”.
She looks like she's squirming to be as far as possible from the cold blooded creatures on both her left and right.
We, as a species, are very bad at hiding what we feel and I would wager that she feels contempt and/or disgust for the whole bally lot of them..