Anonymous ID: 20824d June 5, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.6677302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7589

What a sublime school the Great Awakening research cluster has become!


Respect to ALL sincere anons for staying the course against the onslaught of every weapon of mind warfare in the arsenal of the cabal!


As the soul sorting process proceeds, the contrast between unrepentant egotists and those who know how to cooperate without a need for any social reward or coercion grows clearer!


Vanity, disconnection, driven by phantom fears, crying out for loving attention are all indicators of the (ironic) egoic isolation of those trapped in group think!


“Let me pretend to be a virtuous person, I who have never done anything unselfish in her life!”


Acting out social justice fantasies for social approval from like-minded “superficials”?


Waltz in and shout out to everyone for attention, this is the way of the naïve egotists under thrall to the collective group think, doling out dopamine recognition hits as reward for going headless and heartless!


Intelligence brings awareness of what is important to pay attention to, the implicit underlying order of things, which highly leverages the application of human attention.


The sort bins:

• Those who think then feel

• Those who feel then think

• Those who feel but don’t/can’t think

• Those who think but avoid feeling


So easy to discern the negative nancies now, pretending to be part of the “group” of free, sovereign individuals:

Naked self-centeredness seeking attention; any emotional reaction whatsoever validates the value of their existence!


The allergic reaction to independent intelligence grows more extreme; the mind control programming triggers emotionally abusive, ad hominem attacks if anyone dares question any sacred corporate fictions!


This makes the ongoing soul sorting easy to see:


• If still thinking outside of the coffin box of the mass media Matrix, wheat

• If using their programmed-by-others intellect to suppress others IN ANY WAY, chaff…