Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.6677355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7374

cant go one day without crin about q


The Iraqi dinar scam, the most recent scam that begat QAnon, revolved around secret 800 numbers that would be given only to dinar holders the moment the "revalue" took place, so they could know which secret banks to go to.Mike Rothschild added,


Poker and Politics



  1. QDrop 43 declares that Q is going to give us bonus phone numbers to call instead of 911 to help the Patriots root out Deep State members. Q11 never happens.

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7:54 AM - 5 Jun 2019

Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.6677400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

everyone trying to connect nader to trump

posted this for sick ref


Nader appeared in Brooklyn federal court in a beige button-down shirt and pants with what appeared to be a medical bracelet around his left wrist. He flew to the United States on Monday in order to attend an appointment with a doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital, according to both his attorney and a government prosecutor. He had open-heart surgery five weeks ago, his attorney said, and more recently experienced complications.

"He's a sick man," the attorney said.

His attorney has proposed he be transported by ambulance with armed security to the Eastern District of Virginia, an arrangement his lawyer said Nader himself would pay for.

Nader helped the Mueller investigation by providing multiple interviews and testifying before the grand jury. The Mueller report said "all but one" of his interviews were conducted "under a proffer agreement" where he could provide information with some legal protection.

He is cited extensively in the portions of the report about the Seychelles meeting in between Trump supporter Erik Prince and a Russian banker with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. His testimony about his role in the secret January 2017 liaison undercut Prince's claims that the meeting was a random encounter and that it was not coordinated with anyone from the Trump transition.

CORRECTION: This story has been updated to reflect that the sealed criminal complaint against Nader was issued in April 2018. Investigators seized electronic devices from Nader in January 2018.

Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 8:39 a.m. No.6677515   🗄️.is 🔗kun


noticed same shit pushing hatred they almost got me several times


got naders atty name-Kathryn Ruemmler

diggin on her now

seems like all the articles are the same 90% anti trump with a small mention of nader CP


When Newsweek asked an attorney currently representing Nader if he had been incarcerated in the early 1990s, the attorney, Kathryn Ruemmler, directed the reporter to a C-SPAN clip from March 6, 1992. Nader was shown speaking at an event hosted by the Middle East Institute smack in the middle of his six-month sentence.


However, the address listed on Nader's 1985 case matched the one listed on his 1991 case.


A federal court clerk confirmed that Nader's date of birth matched the one from the prior case before it was redacted from the records. And a public records search for the social security number listed on the 1991 case also turned up the same George Nader.


Another attorney representing Nader claimed the recent reports about his client's past were attempts to possibly hinder his testimony to the special counsel. “This is nothing more than an orchestrated, disgusting scheme by those who are trying to intimidate Mr. Nader into silence. It won't work,” said Sandeep Savla. “Mr. Nader will continue to answer truthfully questions put to him by the special counsel.”


The lawyer who represented Nader during his 1991 case did not immediately respond to Newsweek's request for comment.


Nader's tenure in Washington began with a magazine called Middle East Insight in the early 1980s. Its intent was “to enlighten public opinion and to promote better understanding between the American people and the peoples of the Middle East,” according to its now-defunct website. The magazine featured interviews with such high-profile lawmakers as U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) and former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.


Nader's former associates told Newsweek that he was eager to attain power and help those in power for personal gain. They said they stopped hearing from him in the early 2000s. The Associated Press reported that Nader served prison time in the Czech Republic in 2003.


Nader, who is now cooperating with U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller's probe and reportedly delivered grand jury testimony last month, attended a high-level meeting with the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former chief political strategist Steve Bannon at Trump Tower in New York in December 2016, just before Trump took office, according to CNN.


About a month later, Nader, former Blackwater head Erik Prince and a Russian banker linked to President Vladimir Putin all attended a meeting in Seychelles with Emirati crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed.


Nader is known as an adviser to Zayed and the United Arab Emirates. The meeting, according to media reports, was intended to set up a back channel between the Trump administration and Russia, and has become a focus of Mueller's investigation.



Who is George Nader? Mueller Interviewed Mysterious Man

Nader served as Zayed's representative at the meeting, and Emirati officials believed Prince was there at the behest of Trump's transition team, according to The New York Times. Mueller is reportedly looking at whether Emirati money ended up helping Trump.


The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.6677622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

she likes shoes


Morning Docket: 10.27.14

  • It’s highly likely that departing White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler will return to her former stomping grounds at Latham & Watkins. Imagine how many pairs of shoes she’ll be able to buy with her Biglaw money. [Washington Post]

Share / May 1, 2014 at 9:15 AM



  • Neil Eggleston, formerly a lawyer with the Clinton administration, has been named as replacement for Kathryn Ruemmler as White House Counsel. Please, Mr. Eggleston, we need to know about your shoes. [Associated Press]

Share / Apr 22, 2014 at 9:08 AM


  • President Obama’s top lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler is staying on the job longer than planned. That cushy Biglaw partnership can wait a while longer. [Reuters]

Share / Dec 5, 2013 at 9:23 AM


  • Leading litigatrix Kathryn Ruemmler will leave her position as White House counsel and return to private practice. Perhaps she’ll have more time (and money) to build her shoe collection. [Blog of Legal Times]

Share / Sep 19, 2013 at 9:07 AM


  • Only a few more hours to register for this event featuring Kathy Ruemmler, counsel to President Obama, talking about women in law, leadership, and government. [Ms. JD]


Share / Sep 18, 2013 at 5:03 PM


  • White House counsel and leading litigatrix Kathryn Ruemmler is best known for her fabulous shoes, but this week, she’s taking some flak for her involvement in the IRS scandal. [New York Times]

Share / May 28, 2013 at 9:02 AM



Musical Chairs: Bob Bauer Out and Kathy Ruemmler In as White House Counsel




Big news out of Washington today: Bob Bauer is stepping down as White House counsel. He’s returning to his former firm, Perkins Coie, where he will represent Barack Obama as his personal lawyer and serve as general counsel to President Obama’s re-election campaign. Bauer is being replaced by his top deputy, leading litigatrix Kathryn Ruemmler. […]


Share / Jun 2, 2011 at 12:49 PM


Musical Chairs: Kathy Ruemmler from Latham Back to DOJ




Superstar litigatrix Kathryn Ruemmler, a litigation partner at Latham & Watkins and an Enron prosecutor before that, has been picked to serve as Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General in the Obama Justice Department. That title is a mouthful, but lawyers inside the Beltway know it’s a Big Deal. The revolving door between the DOJ and […]


Share / Jan 16, 2009 at 2:22 PM

Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 9:11 a.m. No.6677726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7744


hrc called the hit


Hillary Clinton

Verified account



Jun 3


Happy Pride Month! Gay rights are human rights, now and forever. This administration's attacks on the LGBTQ+ community can never change that, and I'm proud to stand and fight with you to make sure those rights are recognized as they should be. 🌈

Anonymous ID: 8bffaf June 5, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.6677973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8002



A recently-uncovered court document from the divorce proceedings of a prominent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) figure alleges horrific conduct on behalf of one of the most influential lawyers in America.


Maureene Dees, ex-wife of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees filed for divorce on March 8, 1979 after a decade-long marriage marred by difficulties, according to an appellant brief obtained by Big League Politics. The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals:



According to court testimony, among other perverted sexual behavior, Dees attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy. Holly Buck was Maureene Dees’ daughter from a previous marriage.


Trending: MUST WATCH VIDEO: Antifa Thug Chains Door At College Republican Event, Gets Arrested After Proud Boys Intervene


“Holly testified that, in the summer of 1977, Morris attempted to molest her in the following incident: One night Maureene and Morris were sitting drinking wine and discussing a case Morris was trying,” the brief says. “[Holly] was with them. Around eleven or twelve o’clock, Maureene went to bed and Holly stayed up with Morris discussing the case. Morris kept offering Holly wine, some of which she accepted.”


Holly testified that she declined, choosing to go to bed instead.


“She went to her room and then went into the bathroom,” the document says. “Looking out the window, she saw Morris in the bushes beside the bathroom window looking in. She said ‘Morris, is that you’, but he said nothing and ran away.”


Two months later, things got worse.


“[M]orris entered [Holly’s] room from [Morris and Maureene’s daughter Ellie’s] room, through the bathroom, the document says. “He was in his underwear and he sat on the bed where Holly was lying on her stomach facing away from the door. He touched her on the back and woke her up. He told her that he had brough [sic] her a present, and he presented her with a vibrator. He plugged it in and said he had brought it to her. He proceeded to rub it on her back and said ‘Let me show you how to use it.'”


According to Holly’s testimony, she declined, but Morris proceeded anyway.


“[H]e started to place it between he [sic] legs when she raised her voice and said no loudly,” according to the brief.


He was wearing only a pair of bikini underwear shorts during the incident, according to Holly.


“About two hours later, she had fallen back asleep and he came back in,” the brief says. “He brought the vibrator with him, plugged it in and said again, ‘Let me show you how to use it.’ He tried to show her again by putting it between her legs, but she raised her voice again and he stopped. He took it and left.”


Read the full passage:



This is not the only disturbing passage from the appellate brief. Big League Politics has a series of upcoming reports detailing allegations against the co-founder of one of America’s most powerful non-profits.


SPLC did not respond to an email request for comment regarding whether they condone Dees’ behavior in time for publication. When Big League Politics called for comment, SPLC’s media contact briskly hung up the phone.