Anonymous ID: e4fe5b June 5, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.6677278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356 >>7360 >>7449 >>7453 >>7619

anons lawfag here with a theory behind the just announced antitrust investigations into big tech companies and how this fits in The Plan.


so the surface explanation of anti trust inquiry is to evaluate whether the size and activities of the company are causing "anti-competitive effects in a given market." and this will continue to be reported on and talking heads will all join in. but this is NOT the reason the govt. has launched these investigations - BREAK UP THE MONOPOLY! PROTECT THE CONSUMER! they cry - but this is a distraction and a political circus.


Nope the real reason is in the true ORIGIN and actual current secret ownership and control of these companies - which anons know lie on the GIVEAWAY of DARPA tech to selected private entities - in effect stealing these billions from WE THE PEOPLE and using it to support and control the military indutrial complex thru SECRET arrangments. Here on the board we KNOW all this and have posted conclusive proof with regard to LIFE LOG/FACEBOOK - and this model applies to many KNOWN DARPA/CIA controlled "private companies" that are support the cabal and gloablists WW.


So the hypothesis is the REAL purpose of these investigations is not to promote competition - no - it is to LEARN THE TRUE STRUCTURE OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OF THESE COMPANIES! Because there are millions of shares held by thousands of different entities and "someone" knows that many o these entities are CIA or other govt agency controlled. These investigations will DIG and then MAP out these command structures just like a military OP. ONLY if and when the hidden ownership and control is established can the illegal system be EXPOSED AND DESTROYED - and that is "the systematic desctruction of the old guard."