No worries. Thanks Bakes.
Bake approved by the unimpressive specimen luke "take it in the duke" barnes.
ugh kate riga you are ugly BUT id still let you use my seed. i know you always dreamed of a chad in high school but were always laughed at or a drunk fuck only. heres your chance to mix your below average DNA with some real chad dna. hit me up
oh quint forgey the so called (((jouralist))). not eve sure where to even start with your unimpressive genes. i bet you dreaded going to school and all the rejection you felt. maybe thats why you take it in the ass now?
put down the fucking doughnuts you fat fuck andy shain. your bloodline needs to stop now. its fucking gross. please dont reproduce anymoar. im sure your wife isnt in much better shape than you but i'll take one for the sake of humanity and seed that bitch for you.
jus a reminder to all you lurking conspiracy theorist "journalist". you are the betas and cucks of this world. us chads will be moar than happy to let you watch a real man seed your wife with superior dna so your children wont have to suffer the same fate yall did in school. we are happy to do this for humanity no matter how ugly she is because after a few generations the cuckness will be bred out.
yo ronald hansen stop sucking david corn's corn hole all day and let him fix his deceptive site and get back to your conspiracy theory "journalism". WHY ARE THERE SO MANY CUCKS WITH INFERIOR GENETICS IN JOURNALISM?
damn justin ward you might wanna lay off the soy. youre already starting to lose your hair.
AGAIN WHAT IS IT WITH SOYBOI CUCKS JOURNALIST AND THE HORRIBLE GENES? starting to notice a pattern here. they really are unimpressive specimens. just cut your losses cucks and let us real men bred good dna back into the human race. even though your chicas wont admit it they do crave to be fucked hard by a real man - theres plenty of information on that topic out there. you ever wonder why she only wants to fuck you when shes drunk?
hey dont be too hard on ron jeremy. hes fucked a lot of chicas.
fake and gay