Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.6678101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8354 >>8410 >>8638 >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

Trump says he thinks Mexico wants a deal, tariff threat stands


SHANNON, Ireland (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he thinks Mexico wants to make a deal in the neighbors’ immigration dispute, but that he will go ahead with tariffs on Mexican goods if it does not do more to control migration. “Mexico you know wants to make a deal. They have their entire delegation right now going over to probably the White House location to negotiate with our people,” Trump told reporters at the start of a two-day trip to Ireland. “Mexico can stop it, they have to stop it. Otherwise we just won’t be able to do business. It’s a very simple thing. And I think they will stop it. I think they want to make a deal, and they’ve sent their top people to try and do it. We’ll see what happens today. We should know something.”

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6678143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410 >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

Senate confirms Treasury official to lead derivatives regulator


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to confirm Heath Tarbert to serve as the next chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Tarbert, who previously was a senior official at the Treasury Department, will step in to head the agency overseeing the nation’s derivatives market. He will replace Chairman Christopher Giancarlo, whose term at the post expired in April.


He was confirmed by a vote of 84 to 9. At Treasury, Tarbert was the assistant secretary for international markets, and focused on advancing U.S. interests within the international regulatory forums, including the Financial Stability Board.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6678180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8194 >>8230 >>8410 >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

House panel steps up contempt threat against Barr, Ross over Census documents


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House Oversight Committee said on Wednesday it will move forward with a vote to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress if they do not comply with a subpoena for documents related to the Trump administration’s handling of the U.S. Census. The Oversight Committee issued subpoenas two months ago for unredacted documents related to the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, the panel said.


“We have been extremely patient in waiting for these documents, which were subpoenaed more than two months ago on a bipartisan basis,” Representative Elijah Cummings, chairman of the committee, said in a statement. “If they are not produced by tomorrow, we will be forced to move forward with holding Attorney General Barr and Secretary Ross in contempt of Congress,” Cummings said.


After arguments in April, the conservative-majority Supreme Court appeared likely to accept the administration’s argument that the question would provide better data to enforce the Voting Rights Act, which protects eligible voters from discrimination. Critics say the question will lead to an undercount by some 4.2 million people, costing communities federal aid and political representation. Separately, after months, the Commerce Department agreed to permit three current and former department officials who were involved with the addition of the Census question to schedule interviews with the committee, the panel said. Barr also faces a contempt vote next week by the full House of Representatives on whether he failed to comply with a subpoena seeking the unredacted report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6678280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8294 >>8297 >>8410 >>8557 >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

Christopher Steele will talk to John Durham and prove FBI lied to Congress, Joe DiGenova says


Trump dossier author Christopher Steele will likely be interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham and will show the FBI lied to Congress, attorney Joe diGenova said on Tuesday. A Sunday Times report said the British ex-spy agreed to talk with U.S. officials, if certain preconditions were met, and strongly suggested it was a deal with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is conducting an investigation into alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses.


But diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, insisted that Durham, not Horowitz, would be the one to talk to Steele. "He's [Steele] obviously made a strategic decision because he's going to be interviewed by John Durham," diGenova said on Fox News. "It's not the inspector general from the Department of Justice who's going to talk to him because he doesn't have any reason to talk to Mr. Horowitz. He's going to talk to John Durham and his people. So there's obviously some sort of deal that has been worked out. This is great news." Durham, a U.S. attorney from Connecticut, has been tasked by Attorney General William Barr to review the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation. The report from British media said Steele is only willing to talk about his relationship with the FBI, for whom he was a confidential source, and wants the United States to get permission from the United Kingdom government first. The report came out as President Trump was in the country for a state visit.


Despite his certainty that Durham struck the agreement with Steele, diGenova said, "I can't believe that Durham would agree to such limitations." "But this is what's important," diGenova continued. "He has to tell the truth to Durham because even though his testimony will be given overseas, he can be indicted in the United States if he lies to Durham. So I assume he's going to tell the truth because this is the big, this is the big casino now. And what he is going to prove is that the FBI lied in the FISA warrants and they lied to Congress and they lie to everybody about what they knew about Steele's behavior. … The walls are beginning to close in on the FBI fraudsters."


Steele’s dossier, which was packed with unverified claims about Trump's ties to Russia, formed a key part of the FBI's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications that were used to justify surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — a key point of concern among GOP investigators. Steele was working for Fusion GPS, which received funding through the Perkins Coie law firm from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Steele's Democratic benefactors were not revealed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Former FBI top officials have defended their conduct, despite admitting there were unreliable claims in the anti-Trump research, and Steele himself has acknowledged having questionable sources.


DiGenova said Durham wants to talk to Steele because of "a criminal conspiracy" led by senior FBI officials. DiGenova served as an independent counsel in the 1990s for a case on former President Bill Clinton's passport before he was elected. Last year, it was announced diGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing were joining Trump's legal team for the federal Russia investigation, but that plan was nixed within days. He was highly critical of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, claiming that Trump had been "framed" by the Justice Department and the FBI, and recently said Horowitz determined that the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act extensions against Page were illegally obtained and was on the brink of finding the first Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was completely illegal.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6678485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

Trump administration bans government scientists from using aborted fetal tissue in research


The Trump administration will block government scientists from acquiring new fetal tissue from abortions to use in medical research, a major victory for abortion opponents. "Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration," the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement Wednesday that announced the change.


Research using fetal tissue that is government-funded but conducted by scientists who are not employed by the government will be allowed to continue. The decision comes after months of speculation, as well as backlash from anti-abortion groups that demanded President Trump fire the head of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, for saying that research using fetal tissue could provide useful study for treatments of devastating illnesses.


In September 2018, HHS ended a contract the Food and Drug Administration had with Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. after saying that it was "not sufficiently assured that contract included the appropriate protections applicable to fetal tissue research or met all other procurement requirements." The agency also decided to have its staff review research involving fetal tissue to make sure that it was following all regulations and laws and that it was receiving proper oversight.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6678544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8650 >>8696 >>8737

EPA chief accuses New York Times reporters of colluding with Sierra Club


Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler escalated a dust-up with the media Monday by accusing New York Times reporters of colluding with a major environmental group by retweeting a "made-up" quote of his. “Makes me wonder if the two reporters for the New York Times were colluding with the Sierra Club," Wheeler said Wednesday, addressing the agency's Scientific Advisory Board. He told the board's members to use "caution" and "to be careful what you read in the media" after the incident.


The controversy started when EPA slammed a reporter from Yahoo News on Tuesday, saying he made up a quote from a National Press Club address he gave on Monday. The story reported that Wheeler said the news media does a disservice by reporting on global warming. EPA clarified that what Wheeler said Monday was: "The media does a disservice to the American public and sound policy-making by not informing the public of the progress this nation has made." Wheeler called the Yahoo News story, which he said was then retweeted by two New York Times reporters, "made up." The EPA did not identify the specific reporters, but the climate reporters Kendra Pierre-Louis and Lisa Friedman retweeted the tweet in question.


Later, the Sierra Club used the story in a tweet of its own. Wheeler told the science advisers to come to him directly if they have any questions about what they read in the media.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6678565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sasse slams House Democrats over pay: ‘These jokers couldn't hold down a summer job at Dairy Queen’


Sen. Ben Sasse slammed House Democrats for attempting to raise congressional pay without first addressing the budget. "No budget, no raise. Instead of writing a budget or reforming our bankrupt entitlement programs, House Democrats are angling for a pay raise,” the Nebraska senator said in a Tuesday statement. “These jokers couldn't hold down a summer job at Dairy Queen pulling this kinda crap."


Sasse’s comments come as House Democrats proposed a $4,500 raise for congressional members, who have been paid $174,000 annually since 2009. Democrats included the pay increase in their 2020 spending bill, but Sasse said he wants a budget approved first before a pay raise is considered.


In 2010, Republicans overturned annual cost-of-living salary increases. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer led the effort to enact a cost-of-living raise, which he said was not legally a pay raise. “That was taken to court; the court ruled it was not a pay raise, it was an adjustment on an annual basis for inflation,” the Maryland Democrat said Tuesday to reporters. Hoyer pointed out that real pay raises are not allowed to take effect until the next Congress. Hoyer said housing costs and rules that require members to make more than their staff as reasons to increase congressional pay. Last month, Sasse led a successful bid by Republicans to implement a permanent ban on earmarks in the Senate.

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6678600   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's been this way all morning. Images fail to show up for quite sometime as well. Caught a few coded messages last bread, with words like: Raid, Resist..

Anonymous ID: b297de June 5, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6678713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728 >>8747

FBI Releases 22 Pages From Its Bigfoot Files


The FBI on Wednesday released 22 pages of documents related to Bigfoot, showing that in 1977, the bureau’s scientific division conducted an analysis on hairs alleged to have belonged to the mythical creature, only to find that they were from a deer. The documents consist mostly of letters from the 1970s between the FBI and Peter Byrne, the director of the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition.


Byrne, who was located in Oregon, sought the FBI’s help in analyzing hairs he claimed to have obtained from an unidentified animal. Jay Cochran Jr., the assistant director of the FBI’s scientific and technical services division, approved analysis of the hairs. Cochran sent 15 hairs provided by Byrne to Howard Curtis, of the Academy of Applied Science in Boston. “It was concluded as a result of these examinations that the hairs are of deer family origin,” Cochran wrote in response to Byrne on Feb. 24, 1977.


FBI Files here: