Anonymous ID: d60179 June 5, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.6678133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>8693

Anon's on this 75th anniversary. I want to remember my Father-in-law. He volunteered for the 101st para. He jumped in behind lines night before D-day. It was a mess but the finally found each other and he and his buddies fought for 10 days before they were surprised by a hidden machine gun nest. He was wounded twice and captured. Spent several months in different POW camps in Germany. A group of them finally escaped and made it back to enemy lines. He still had a bullet in his ankle. Was put on a hospital ship and back in New York healing from the surgery to remove the bullet. He kept that bullet all his life and walked with a limp. Got married had four children and I loved to talk about history with him. He is in this photo with IKE when he came to camp to talk to them before the Jump. He is the head below IKE's chin. He had a blow up of this photo in his home with his head circled. He didn't fight as long as Forrest Guth but after all that, he came home and built a normal life out in deplorable country. I think of him and my son who is a first sgt. and has 18 years in army and served two trips into Iraq for over 5 years total. Photo's of my Father in law attached. My son in Gun trucks fighting in Iraq.

Anonymous ID: d60179 June 5, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6678411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8601 >>8613



Well someday I hope you are awake enough to know that Las Vegas was an attempt on POTUS and MIB lives. There was a gun battle fought in the hanger across the street from the hotel. POTUS had flew AF1 into Area 51 and then got on that shuttle plane to fly to Las Vegas to have secret meeting. It is no accident the the giant purge in SA happened after this and that the black hats were kicked out of SA. They attempted to rebound with Kassogi but they lost that also. Skippy lost billions and we now control Twitter so that POTUS will always have a comms link to the people around Jews controlled MSM. There is plenty of this dig in past breads. Remember we have been at this for almost two years now. I can not say there are no bad actors in Army but your post on the soldiers who are at the bottom and do the fighting is nothing short of despicable. If you think that Communism and socialism are so wonderful why don't you pick up and move to Russia or Venezuela. You have that freedom here and you will get an education there. Don't post untrue crap on Q research because we know the truth and why there was a coverup.

Anonymous ID: d60179 June 5, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6678692   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Everyone who is on here is watched. Even more than everyone who is not on here is watched. Amen to the statement that a Man's integrity is in his heart. That is all that matters. You have to really know who You are and then the crap on his many times is just funny. Shills, shill