Anonymous ID: 7d3ed9 June 5, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6679802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820




some pepole who are autists don't understand when others are trying to help and get combative.

you think you're the only one who has ever been under spiritual attack?

you say it's Q but it's the same dark forces that Q and all anon battle.


somewhat more enjoy it.

and lashing out against faces in the news, like Donald, and blaming him, when the system has been screwed for countless generations, is a bit unfair to him, and kind of an intellectual cop-out.


but you're free to have that opinion and express it. Don't expect posative vibes from many of us because we've seen that those who lash out senselessly at Donald often do shit like throw a milkshake on a political skeptic who larps as an opposing view.


Glad whatever shut off shut off for you. It might be that some part of your adult mind just opened like a new bloom of awareness.

Anonymous ID: 7d3ed9 June 5, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6679869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9934


I think you are letting yourself stay blue pilled by blaming all of the other people on this field of battle for the general problems that we all have to face.

It's easy to say 'oh, it is this one' or 'you are a this and that is always bad' then to try to fathom the real horror of why the world is so screwed up like it is.

Trump has heroically put himself into great danger and I feel that whatever you think you 'found out' is just a glimpse of some small part that you've conflated into some thing much larger.


In fact It was Trumps constant vigilence and trolling for what is right that kept a lot of people stoked and persevering despite the seeming collapse of ordinary moral standards: like equal protection under law.


Trump was a lamp!


But you don't see it?

Fine. but no one here needs that message.

we love the guy, despite his flaws.


is that hard to understand.

so I can get 'not support' in your case while, in the couple of days since you've kicked in some new thinking, or been releived of some stress, that you feel like he's disappointed you. I'm just glad that I never had to face the horror of dame Hill being pres.


so do what you need to do if you think Trump is not perfect, but why troll that message here ?

Many of us are sypathetic to your kind of message because we've felt that way too at times.


you do what you need to do.

If Trump annoys you why you here where we're going to defend him?


some will defend you and let you have your opinion and not agree. Don't lash out at them too.

Anonymous ID: 7d3ed9 June 5, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.6680064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


maybe Trump was finally able to shut it off for you?

and you think it was him doing it.


I'm sad you posted that because, of course, I'm concerning (stupidly) about it cause you are a grown up, right.


Listen, you need to try and craft a narrative that doesn't have everyone plotting against you and use that one to explain things to outside people even when you know (or think you know) that it might nto be true.


never let on that you are on to them . . . and then you might discover that they were never on to you . . . and your problem disappears when you see that there is no problem, and no one ever was targetting you . . . it's just that you thought they were, and made that the problem.


and even if they were targetting, if you use the narrative that they weren't they then have nothing more to use against you. You've vanquished them by giving them no power over you.