Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6679590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9763

Erdogan sends condolences to Rivlin on death of his wife, Nechama


‘I share your pain with all my heart,’ Turkish president tells president and people of Israel


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined foreign leaders in offering his condolences to President Reuven Rivlin and the nation of Israel on the death of Rivlin’s wife, Nechama, who was laid to rest Wednesday.


“I have learned with great sorrow the passing away of your spouse,” Erdogan wrote in English in a letter to Rivlin expressing his condolences “to your family and the people of Israel,” and noting her death had “deeply saddened the people of Israel.”


“The farewell of our closest and most beloved family members is a big loss which can’t be comforted,” Erdogan wrote.


Israel’s First Lady was buried in a state funeral at Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl national cemetery. Rivlin died a day earlier, on the eve of her 74th birthday, at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, where she was being treated after relapsing following a lung transplant.


“I share your pain with all my heart,” Erdogan wrote.


US President Donald Trump also expressed condolences over the death of Rivlin, saying she had represented her country “with grace and stature.”


Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and German President Frank Walter Steinmeier all called Rivlin’s office to express their condolences.


Fake enemies are showing their true colors

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6679609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9670

Brace For Impact: Italy Poised To Launch Euro Parallel Currency


Italy faces an "Excessive Deficit" ruling, the first in EU history. Italy's response is to revive a parallel currency proposal.


A euro crisis has been brewing for years.


Eurozone officials and the ECB have long held the upper hand vs individual countries like Greece and Portugal.


However, Italy now has the upper hand, if it chooses to wage war.


Let's backup and start from the beginning to tie this story together.

Excessive Debt


Please consider EU Could Slap 3 Billion Euro Fine on Italy for Excessive Debt.


The European Commission could impose a 3 billion euro fine on Italy for breaking EU rules due to its rising debt and structural deficit levels, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini said on Tuesday.


Salvini, whose far-right League party triumphed in European elections on Sunday, said he would use “all my energies” to fight what he said were outdated and unfair European fiscal rules.


“Let’s see if we get this letter where they give us a fine for debt accumulated over the past and tell us to pay 3 billion euros,” Salvini said in an interview with RTL radio.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.6679618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0244

Ukraine claims readiness to negotiate with Russia, comply with Minsk Accords


KIEV – Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky expressed the readiness of his country to negotiate with Russia and comply with the Minsk Accords.


“We are ready to negotiate with Russia and comply with the Minsk Accords,” he said at the end of his meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.


However, Zelensky pointed out that Ukraine must first be able to “defend and strengthen itself in the economic, political and military spheres.”


The Ukrainian president recalled that next Wednesday there will be a meeting of the Contact Group for the Ukrainian crisis which will be attended by the Chief of Cabinet of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ruslan Jomchak.


“We are going to make a number of proposals on the return of the Minsk Accord, starting with a cease-fire,” he said, adding that the exchange of prisoners is an issue that will also be addressed.

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In addition, the president said that the Ukrainian people need a breakthrough toward “high European standards of quality of life and safety“.


“The aim of our reforms is to improve the quality of life of Ukrainians, eradicate corruption, modernize the state, all this is possible only if our security is guaranteed,” he said.


Zelensky was elected president of Ukraine on May 20.


Since April 2014, Ukraine has carried out an operation against militias in the eastern part of its territory – Donbass – where the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk have proclaimed themselves independent republics in response to the violent change of government in Kiev in February of the same year.


The Minsk Accords, signed in September 2014 and February 2015, laid the foundations for a political solution to the conflict, but has not so far resulted in the cessation of violence, with an estimated UN balance of some 13,000 dead, plus 1.3 million people displaced.


The Trilateral Contact Group (Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) has in the format of Normandy (Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine) the main consultation platform aimed at resolving the conflict between the government of Ukrainian militias and Donbass.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6679638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here Are The Republicans In Congress Standing With Trump Over Mexico Tariff Threat


A number of Republicans in the Senate are standing with President Donald Trump over his threat to apply tariffs to Mexico on Tuesday after several party members spoke out against it.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that “there is not much support in my conference for tariffs” and he is hoping that the tariffs are not implemented. Other Senators also decided to speak out against Trump’s threat.


Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said he will not support applying a tariff to Mexico, saying he “would not be inclined to vote [for] a tariff against a friend,” Politico reported Tuesday.


Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford reportedly also criticized Trump’s threat, saying the White House “is trying to use tariffs to solve every problem but HIV and climate change.”


However, a number of Republicans are in favor of applying tariffs to Mexico, such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who said in a tweet Wednesday:


I don’t generally like tariffs either. But what alternative do my GOP colleagues have to get #Mexico to secure its southern border, use the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to screen northbound rail cars & vehicles & act on intel we proved on human traffickers?

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6679656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066 >>0240

Commander of Air Force Warfare Center Fired Over Alleged Relationship


The head of the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center was recently removed from command due to an alleged unprofessional relationship, the service said Wednesday.


Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air Combat Command, relieved Maj. Gen. Peter Gersten, the head of the Warfare Center at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, from command June 2 "due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command," ACC said in a news release.


The loss of confidence stemmed from the alleged relationship, according to the release.


"There is an ongoing investigation" into the matter, ACC spokeswoman Leah Garton told in a phone call.


Gersten remains in the Air Force, but Garton did not have additional details on his future service. There was no immediate information on when the investigation into Gersten's alleged actions will conclude, nor when it started.


"The Air Force holds leaders to high standards and expects them to uphold the core values of the service at all times," Garton said in a statement. "Additional details will not be released at this time."


Brig. Gen. David Snoddy, vice commander of the center, has assumed command until the previously announced incoming commander, Maj. Gen. Charles Corcoran, takes command in July, the release states.


The Warfare Center oversees the Nellis Weapons School, the Air Force's version of "Top Gun."


According to his official biography, Gersten, an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot, has been the commander of the center since July 2017. He was previously the director of strategic plans at the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Requirements for the Air Force at the Pentagon.


He attended both the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School and the U.S. Air Force Academy, graduating in 1989. During his career, Gersten has commanded a fighter squadron, a fighter operations group, a remotely piloted aircraft wing and an air expeditionary wing, his official bio states.


A command pilot with more than 2,800 total flying hours, Gersten has flown over 400 combat hours over Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Bosnia. He has also flown the MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-170 Sentinel drones.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6679698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel To Join Centerview Partners


The revolving door between politics and Wall Street continues as former Chicago mayor and longtime Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel will join boutique investment bank Centerview Partners LLC.


As The Wall Street Journal reports, Mr. Emanuel, who left office last month, will open a Chicago office for Centerview and advise clients on merger deals and other matters, he said in a joint interview Wednesday with Centerview co-founders Blair Effron and Robert Pruzan.


“Our job is to help clients make big decisions,” Mr. Pruzan said. "Rahm has spent his career in the room where big decisions are being made.”


“Rahm’s leadership and vast experience providing strategic advice, coupled with a track record of successful planning and execution, will bring tremendous value to our firm and our clients. Establishing a presence in Chicago is a logical next step for Centerview as we continue to grow, and it positions us to better serve existing and new clients throughout the Midwest.”


Mr. Emanuel said:


“I am excited to use my lifelong experience as an advisor and problem solver in both the public and private sectors in this next chapter of my career, and thrilled to be joining Centerview Partners – a pre-eminent firm that advises leading global companies,”


“I know the Centerview team well and look forward to working with an accomplished and respected group to provide clients in the Midwest, nationally and around the world with trusted, independent advice.”


Mr. Emanuel has had an extensive career in public service, most recently as Mayor of Chicago for two terms beginning in 2011, during which time he oversaw increased economic development that has revitalized the city, expanded the public education system, and improved public parks, amenities, transit and other infrastructure projects. He previously served as Chief of Staff to President Obama, where he helped secure the passage of landmark legislation, including the unprecedented stimulus package that ushered the country through the great recession and the passage of the Affordable Care Act. From 2003 to 2009, Mr. Emanuel served in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he held a number of leadership positions, including Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman and Democratic Caucus chairman. Mr. Emanuel served as director of the finance committee of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign and later as Assistant to the President for political affairs and Senior Advisor for policy and strategy.


And now its time to really cash in… Mr. Emanuel, who will start at Centerview in July, also weighed job offers from Blackstone and Evercore, people familiar with the matter said.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6679735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube bans videos promoting fascism, supremacism and Holocaust denial…


YouTube has decided to ban content promoting Nazi ideology from its service.


The company confirmed it would no longer host videos that glorified fascist views or material that denied the existence of the Holocaust, following years of criticism over its role in spreading far-right hate and conspiracy theories.


The video-sharing website, which is owned by Google, said on Wednesday it would ban any videos “alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status”.


This would include “inherently discriminatory” videos promoting Nazi ideology or content denying that well-documented violent events took place, such as the deaths of millions of Jews in the second world war or the Sandy Hook school shooting in the US.


Platforms such as YouTube have traditionally taken a light-touch approach to hosted material, adopting a broad defence of free speech to justify the extremist views users post.


This has become increasingly untenable under relentless media and public scrutiny, and pressure from advertisers. YouTube banned a handful of high-profile extremists, including Alex Jones of Infowars, in the last year.


Much of the criticism has been aimed at YouTube’s algorithm-driven recommendation system, which helps keep people on the site by suggesting new videos they might be interested in. Critics have said it leads people towards more and more extreme and conspiratorial videos, and that this can incentivise users to produce more extreme material to try to drive up view counts and earn a larger slice of the ad revenue.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6679748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Large list of all the media lies since 2016


ake any of the extremely partisanarticles from a CNN website and just research them a little bit and you’ll see that most of what CNN claimed isn’t actually true. Half the time CNN will admit that way down on the page when they know you’ve probably never read that far


It’s not just CNN you can look at that from MSNBC


Rachel Maddow being debunked by her own news ticker in real time


fake news blatantly lying amd doctoring footage


Please please comment more and I’ll add th


Aisha Moodie-Mills on MSNBC calling out the new CNN where no one under 45 was polled.


Undaunted By the FaCNN Continues to Push Collusion Conspiracy Theory


When CNN immediately blames Trump for New Zealand.


CNN disguises lobbyist interns and democratic politicians as ” voters and students.”

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6679785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066 >>0240

Soros: Salvini Maybe Funded by Kremlin - Salvini Aide's Devastating Retort


“The wind has changed for [Soros] and for all those who have profited from the deaths of hundreds of people.” ~ The League’s economics policy chief, Claudio Borghi.


A face slapping bout has broken out between Jewish financial speculator, George Soros, and Italy’s anti-immigrant League party, which on Friday formed a populist movement in coalition with the 5-Star party.


Its leader Matteo Salvini stepped into his new job as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior on Friday, pledging to deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6679806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066 >>0240

US Police Investigate Major Explosion Near Roswell New Mexico - Reports (VIDEO)


New Mexico State Police said Wednesday that multiple injuries have been reported, adding that the scene is still active.


According to media reports, there has been no information about the cause of the incident. Local authorities have advised to avoid the area.


Roswell is a famous place because of the most enduring legends in UFO lore. The so-called "Roswell incident" took place in 1947, sparking rumors that an alien spacecraft crashed in the remote desert town of Roswell in New Mexico, leading to the discovery of extraterrestrial debris and alien bodies, which were covered up by the US government.


Although the command of the Eighth Air Force has issued a retraction, stating that in fact, the recovered craft had been a weather balloon, intense media interest and public speculation prompted the authorities to hold a subsequent press conference at which the remains of a weather balloon were displayed that seemed to confirm the Air Force's account.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6679821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Conquer and Divide’: Israeli NGO launches interactive map highlighting 52-years of occupation


To mark the 52nd anniversary of Israel’s territorial encroachment into the West Bank, human rights NGO B’Tselem has unveiled a new interactive map creatively illustrating the decades-long history of the occupation.


The organization says that their new project “traces how government resolutions, military orders and state planning” came together to create an ever-expanding system of settlements and military check-points, helping Israeli authorities “promote [their] interests at the expense of Palestinians’ rights.” The project was created in tandem with the independent research agency Forensic Architecture, and launched on Wednesday.


The project's sleek website documents not only the boundaries of Israel’s expansion into the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, it also indicates a variety of specific details; from closed military zones to areas where the authorities forbid fishing. The map also highlights important events in the history of the occupation.


Those behind the project believe that using an interactive map does something a traditional history couldn’t – by visually demonstrating what they call Israel’s “conquer and divide” strategy, they aim to show how geography has been used to isolate and control the Palestinian population.


“Israel has doggedly chipped away at Palestinian space, breaking it up into conveniently exploitable pieces, the easier to control and oppress,” wrote B’Tselem’s Executive Director Hagai El-Ad.


Tel Aviv has always rejected terming the land acquisitions as part of an occupation, saying it has a legal right to the territories. In March, the United States became the first country to recognize Israel’s continued claim over another disputed area – the Golan Heights.


The anniversary of the occupation comes just ahead of Washington’s plan to unveil its long-touted and much criticized Israel-Palestine peace plan. While Trump called the plan “the deal of the century,” Palestinian authorities have already rejected it, saying Trump’s administration is too pro-Israeli.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6679851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9887

144000…..hmmmmmm bible ref???


There is a school of thought that the book of revelation was fabricated and added to the bible 150 years after John's death, to create a means of control for the fake end times takeover by Satanic forces. And the 144000 lightworkers are in service to the Lucifer the light bringer.


Record 144,000 people detained at US-Mexico border in May


The number of people entering the US from Mexico illegally has skyrocketed, with more than 144,000 detained or turned away just last month. Overwhelmed US authorities are cutting back on non-essential services at migrant shelters.


US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) statistics for May 2019, released on Wednesday, show 132,887 were apprehended after crossing the border illegally, and another 11,391 were declared inadmissible under US laws, for a total of 144,258 people.


That is a 32 percent increase from April, but nearly triple the number from May last year (51,800) and a stunning sevenfold increase from May 2017.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6680098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0123 >>0155 >>0240

California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those Who Refuse


Health Impact News Editor Comments


In a brazen act of medical tyranny, California recently became the first state in the U.S. where lawmakers removed religious exemptions to those opposing vaccines for their children. The bill now signed into law, SB277, faces legal hurdles in court next.


Now, legislators in California want to pass the “first US adult vaccine mandate with NO personal exemptions and CRIMINAL penalties for failure to comply.” SB 792, would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure.


Will California soon become a medical police state?



How to establish National Mandatory Vaccines


URGENT ACTION ALERT Monday July 13, 2015


SB792- The first US adult vaccine mandate with NO personal exemptions (only medical exemptions approved by a doctor and defined by the bill) and CRIMINAL penalties for failure to comply will be heard in the California Assembly Human Services Committee this Tuesday July 14th at 1:30 in Room 437.


SB 792 would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. This bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations for all childcare workers, including all private and public school early childhood education programs (Headstart, Private preK and preschools), family daycares, and daycare centers.


Commencing September 1, 2016, a person shall not be employed at a family day care home if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles. An employee shall receive an influenza vaccination between August 1 and December 1 of each year.


This bill eliminates medical autonomy, crushes religious freedom, undermines personal freedom, and burdens quality providers with a non-optional series of medical interventions in the form of mandated vaccines that are not even 100% effective.


Bill SB 792 excerpt:


This bill, commencing September 1, 2016, would prohibit a day care center or a family day care home from employing any person who has not been immunized in accordance with the schedule for routine adult immunizations, prescribed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bill would specify circumstances under which a person would be exempt from the immunization requirement, based on medical safety and current immunity, as specified. The bill would make conforming changes to provisions that set forth qualifications for day care center teachers and applicants for licensure as a family day care center. Because the bill would extend the application of a crime under the act, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6680154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0240 >>0342

Minnesota to Pay Homeowners to Make Their Lawns Bee-Friendly


Minnesota’s Legislature just approved a spending plan that would set aside $900,000 over one year to assist homeowners in turning their lawns into bee-friendly habitats. That’s right—the state of Minnesota wants to pay residents to make their lawns better for bees.


The plan aims to replenish the food source of the rusty patched bumble bee—a fuzzy and fat bee on the brink of extinction—though it will be beneficial to pollinators of all shapes and sizes.


Available funds will cover some of the costs associated with transitioning a traditional grass lawn into one full of wildflowers like creeping thyme, self-heal, ground plum and dandelions, as well as clovers and grasses native to the area.


“When people look at these flowers, they see a nuisance, they see a weed. I see a forage for pollinators,” James Wolfin, a graduate student working at the University of Minnesota’s Bee Lab, said.


“A pound of Dutch white clover is about $7 and it grows low enough that people wouldn’t even have to change the way they mow their lawn,” Wolfin said. As many as 55 of Minnesota’s 350 species of bees have been observed snacking on Dutch white clover, “so just by not treating white clover like a weed and letting it grow in a yard provides a really powerful resource for nearly 20% of the bee species in the state,” Wolfin added.


Research at the university has shown how important bumblebees are to the Upper Midwest. Unbeknownst to most people, these bees vibrate in a frequency close to a middle C note and, when sitting on a flowering plant, this vibration unlocks pollen that other insects would have otherwise been unable to reach.


Under the plan, 75% of the cost of converting a traditional lawn to a bee-friendly one will be reimbursed by the state of Minnesota’s Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), with up to 90% of the cost covered in areas considered to have a “high potential” to support the rusty patched bee.


The new law was buried within the state’s omnibus Environment bill and is awaiting Governor Tim Walz’s signature. And while an earlier version of the plan would have provided funds for a three year program, the pared down version is a step in the right direction nonetheless.


Even though the funds won’t be available until 2020, locals are already excited at the prospect. State Representative Kelly Morison, who introduced the bill, said:


I have gotten a ton of emails and so much feedback from people who are interested in this. People are really thinking about how they can help.


It is not yet known how and when residents will be able to apply for the program. According to BWSR spokeswoman Mary July, officials are still putting together the program’s specifics.

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.6680218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like Russia is helping China squeeze out the commie cabal so it can realign with the emperor..


Trump is squeezing out the cabal corporations thru the trade war

Anonymous ID: e9d6a6 June 5, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6680283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296 >>0314


Ukraine Just Elected Its First Jewish President. Here’s Why It’s Not an Issue