Anonymous ID: 5498f9 June 5, 2019, 3:59 p.m. No.6680655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0696


Here is how "the masons" work. CIA disinfo agent reads up on masonic teachings. Creates his own lodge. Then say the magic words: "the other lodges aren't high enough degrees to know the truth."



Kind of like how the satanic church has taken several old symbols and conflated them together to form their own narrative. A full explanation goes beyond the scope of this board - but suffice to say that the Church and the Satanic Church are both run by the same people who have the exact same goals. Many don't act beyond the immediate gratification of having power - they need no further rationalization or justification. But the others need something else - a moral grounding for their behavior.


In their mythos - Lucifer was a great creative being of seven dimensions of compressed bru-ha-ha. As he descended "through the dimensions" he became various angels and entities. He was just about to attain ultimate enlightenment when he just so happened to see yaweh struggling with things down here, so he offered to help out. Because that's just the kind of guy lucifer is.


Their goal is to try and get people to side with "ultimate good" or "ultimate evil" in order to remove the distinction between individuals and reconstitute them into the source god. The "evil" believe they represent 'the teachers' of the world and that all of their actions are meant to 'give us options' and 'things to learn from.' They believe they are literally a portion of an incarnate god and will return to their 'real' and 'higher' self at the conclusion of this process. While the 'ultimate good' people choose to offer up their lives to an almighty god and worship it. Same decision - just a different way of arriving at it.


Keep in mind that they use these terms because they are popular and a part of a mythos which lends itself to the narrative. The military culture stems from that of Athens - the cult of Athena, Prometheus, and Haphaestus - the three central figures in many masonic teachings. There were similar groups before then - the astrologers being among the first wise men and women and the pentagram's use to represent the stars came from tracking the planet we now call Venus, with its five-petal flower pattern in the sky. That planet was called "the light bearer" and "the morning star" because it was one of the brightest objects in the sky and often sat on the horizon just before dawn. IE - those who follow that star are trying to bring the world from darkness to light.


Prometheus and fire.

Not that hard to figure out.

Or do I need to drop Uzume and Pomegranate (red pill) references, again?


Symbolism will be their downfall, because facts matter. The Wiccans basically copied the Masonic orders while taking a bunch of germanic traditions before the catholic church conquered the culture. There are quite a few who are in it for the edge factor - but those who took the meaning of it to heart will soon find they aren't the only ones wearing the pentagram. There are quite a few of them on our flag - and for good reason.


It won't happen suddenly, but wouldn't it be rather dramatic if the war the media has been drumming up between men and women could be resolved in an almost magical way?

Anonymous ID: 5498f9 June 5, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6680780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who says they are masons? The other CIA agents claiming to be masons?


Let me ask another question - just who is it that you think is helping President Trump? Military Intelligence? Certainly to some degree. But did they force CEOs to resign? Did they start pulling the trigger on America First reinvestment strategies?

Look at businesses moving in and setting up shop across the American midwest. These talks have been in progress since before President Trump was running for office - but their success has also required the President to enforce the necessary policies.


The masons were the tradesmen who banded together to check the power of the royal family. The tradesmen make the world. The royals trade currency to the tradesmen to do things the royals consider priority.


If you know of some other explanation - I am open to hearing it, but I would also counter that you will find the Eastern Star's symbolism all throughout the anime and culture which underwrote the development of the chans. Moves and counter moves.

Anonymous ID: 5498f9 June 5, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6681088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Actors don't have to be on your side or even aware you are using them in a show in order to play the role you have scripted for them.

People are often predictable. The only "winning" choice for the democrats would have been not to play this game in the beginning, or to not play against Trump now. They aren't going to do that because not playing means losing. So they are going to play and they have a limited number of tools to play with - which means every action can be accounted for and scripted to produce a finite number of ends all favorable to the cause.