Freddy is afraid of me
Why ?
Cuz hes a lil bitch
Freddy is afraid of me
Why ?
Cuz hes a lil bitch
Mark "israel first" levin
How many coincidences do you people need before you realize the most evil people in the world are playing you
Entire cabinet is ex goldman sachs
Ex industry
Or clowns
He just appointed a rabid anti,gunner to the atf
Bill barr is also fairly anti gun
All moves made so far have been pro corporate
Not to mention wilbur ross who never gets mentioned is one of trumps closests allies and is a ex rothschild banker
The roths own trump they bailed him out in the 1980s
You mustve missed him,sucking,off the jews and israel over the last year
Welp now we know why hes dead
Why would anyone want to be a tranny
Thats like wanting to move to china
Being a real gril,would be life on easy mode tho
>>>6680726 (You)
If youre too lazy to turn on fox news this might not be the board for you anon
Oh wait its the perfect board
>Well anon, it all started way back in Oct 2017. It was typical night in 4chan. Not much has changed since. Except we moved over here. Pull up a chair and pop a cold one.
Alot has changed
Its just that none of it was good change
Clown world gets worse every day
Trump watches then laughs
Then promotes homosexuality israel
Sucks of jews and blacks to the point of absurdity
Then lets his cabinet continue the consolidation of corporate power
Look at the jews goyim
Not at the cfr skull and bones freemasons the catholic church chabad the russel trust
Harvard faculty
Heritage foundation bilderburg
And so on
Cuz "free speech" does free speech apply to paid foreign agents ?
At least they didnt do,to you what they did to me
I still have 0 answers after over ayear
And the shit they did to,me will haunt me,for life tbh
Didnt yahweh tell you,morons not to pray to idols