Anonymous ID: c4e1dc June 5, 2019, 3:44 p.m. No.6680548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0824

Q - 2A is safe?






Trump Says He’s ‘Seriously’ Looking at Banning Gun Silencers


This is fucking retarded. A "silencer" is stupid easy to make (you can use a fucking lawnmower muffler for fucks sake). Any asshole with a set of dies can cut threads on his barrel and figure out a way to fit one on. Banning won't change a fucking thing except criminalize people trying to protect their hearing and/or not annoy their neighbors.


I let the bump stock ban go b/c it's use outside of the "fun factor" is minimal, in the interest of "The Plan". But this is incrementalism.


What's next?

Anonymous ID: c4e1dc June 5, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6680824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0831 >>0840 >>0842 >>0857 >>0890


>Entire cabinet is ex goldman sachs


>Ex industry


>Or clowns


>He just appointed a rabid anti,gunner to the atf


>Bill barr is also fairly anti gun


>All moves made so far have been pro corporate


>Not to mention wilbur ross who never gets mentioned is one of trumps closests allies and is a ex rothschild banker


>The roths own trump they bailed him out in the 1980s


This, and he's "seriously considering banning silencers" >>6680548


So sick of this shit. I've been here since FBI anon. Beginning to think I've been played like a fiddle.